Chapter 13: Two Outcomes

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After their lunch with Mori's group, they still have a bit of time left before the next subject teacher to come.

"You guys can go ahead, i'll use the toilet for a bit" the boy said to them and went to the comfort room's direction not waiting for their response.

"Is it just me?, or Ayanokoji-kun felt different than usual?"

Matsushita asked the group, she was confused about the boy's demeanor today, and she noticed it since she was seated beside him, there were currently five of them in the group walking back to the classroom.

"I thought i was the only one who noticed it, he seems to talk lesser than usual, he didn't even joke or tease at least once." Sato agreed to Matsushita and added information on what she notice about him.

Mori Nene also find his behavior odd, when he greeted her this morning, although Koji smiles to her, she use her name instead of her nickname that he invented 'Mori-neko'

"Maybe he just had a bad day?, or he was still getting used to in becoming the secretary of the vice president of the student council ." Hirata said, it was known that Shizuku chose Ayanokoji as her secretary by almost the entire student body, the news travels fast since Shizuku was popular in the school.

"Do you think that Suzuki-senpai was putting all her work to Ayanokoji-kun?, what a bitch." Karuizawa proclaimed her own suspicion about Ayanokoji's behavior today, the boy might have been suffering and he was getting taken advantage of.

Ayanokoji had been the talk of the school for various reasons, especially when the people connected to him were from the student council.

Suzuki Shizuku who proclaimed that she chose Ayanokoji Kiyotaka as her own personal secretary, despite the boy coming from Class-D. Many applied to the position as her secretary in order to get closer to her but each and everyone got rejected no matter the class they came from

However, not only Ayanokoji was a Class-D student, but he was also in the first-year, Shizuku was even the one who recruited him to be her secretary.

This was more than enough to arouse suspicions from the students and conclude that the two has a special connection to each other, that it might even be a romantic relationship.

The other one was with the president of the student council himself, who he just met one day in the gym but their encounter made the two of them to be the main character in a BL manga.

It was something that most boys would be ashamed to be included in, Ayanokoji even wished for the artist to be ran over by a truck.

"Well, we should just be ready if Ayanokoji-kun ever needs help" Hirata said to everyone as they nod and soon they enter the classroom.

--In the Bathroom--

At the comfort room, Ayanokoji checks the cubicles one by one, seeing that no one was in there, he washed his face in front of the mirror, some of it drops into his blazers, making it wet, but it wasn't that obvious.

When he looks at the mirror confused, he rinse his face again with water.

Again looking at the mirror to check his face, what he saw was not his usual self or rather what he shows from the outside.

The mirror showed a distorted reflection of himself.

It was him but different at the same time, the boy in the mirror was staring at him with a devilish smirk on his face, his hair was a bit of a mess and his clothes were tattered and parts of it were torn apart. It has some bruises at his neck and a cut on his cheeks.

"What now, i'm hallucinating?

The most intriguing scene was the body of Shizuku lying on the floor unconscious, that he almost have a difficulty identifying her.

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