Chapter 9: I'll Play With You

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It was a good day i was having lunch with Kushida's group in the cafeteria eating my homemade bento, i was able to reconcile with her yesterday by simply brushing my hands atop her head, she was also using my photo as a wallpaper just like the others.

Yesterday was too much for me but i was able to refuse that evil queen's offer, however she refuses to give up and said a bunch of rubbish to make me stay.

" I'll give you 1 million points if you join, since its you, you probably know why you need it"

"I refuse."

"I will declare you as the vice president next year!"

"Thank you for the offer but I refuse"

"I'll treat you to a meal everyday!"

"No thank you, you might put something there"

" Since it comes to this,...alright...i'll let you fondle my bre-

" I refuse, have a good day"

I left the room after that, it was a total waste of time, talking to her make me feel sick, i might even faint if i touch her. I prefer if we don't even talk with each other ever.

"What's wrong Ayanokoji-kun?, you also wanna try some chicken nuggets?" i snapped out my thoughts, right i was having lunch with them and i kept thinking about what happened yesterday.

"Thank you Kushida, but my meal is already more than enough" i said but she pick up a piece of chicken nuggets as she puts it near my mouth, that was not open.

"Open it, Aaahhh.." the girls were blushing and giggling beside me as she did that, but i'm not comfortable of eating other foods unless i know how they did it, the ice cream was an exception though.

"I'm really fine, Kushida" she just sent an angry pout to me that i admit was quite cute, i think cute was the right word, or was it adorable?

"Just eat it Ayanokoji-kun, you don't want her to be upset right?" i reluctantly open my mouth as it entered my mouth, it was delicious, i only noticed now that Kushida also made a lunch for herself.

"You're a great cook Kushida" i said as a slight smile crept upto my face, who knows if it was genuine or not.

"T-thank you Ayanokoji-kun" she smiled back, as a pink blush appears.

"Ayanokoji-kun you should've said ahem ' you'll make a great wife in the future Kikyo' "Mii-chan reenacts as to how i should've said it as they teased her.

I thought this would be one of our normal lunch meetings, however it seems like it wouldn't be, i saw her in the corner of my eye with a woman beside her both of them were holding tray with food in them.

With the two of them together, they drew the attention of the students in the cafeteria, she looks around to find a seat, and i drop my gaze hoping she wouldn't see me. I tried to occupy the space beside me but i was too late.

She bumped my side pushing me back from my original position as she put the tray with food on our table and sat beside me.

F*ck this life.

"Good afternoon Ayanokoji-kun and others, you don't mind if we eat here right?" she asked, but it was more like a threat and she and her companion already sat

You already seat before you ask, and your words sounds like a threat.

"Y-yes we don't really mind, right guys?" Kushida responded as the others nod quickly, hoping not to upset the famous vice president of the  student council of the school.

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