Chapter 8: First Meeting

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I finally knew the cause why, Mori hesitantly showed me her phone saying that 'i just coincidentally saved this, don' t get the wrong idea' i saw a picture of me working out drench in sweat, showing the outline of my body, it earned a hundred likes in just 30 minutes, if not for the lack of students from the school, it would've reach a thousand already she said.

It was very popular to the female population, while browsing i saw some inappropriate comments, so this is what Chie-sensei referring to as breakfast. It made me popular but i didn't really have any problem with that, its not like i was tring to lay low.

However that wasn't all that caused this ruckus, there was something much worse.

a manga club from the school made a short story or what they called a 'one shot' of me and Horikita senpai as the lead actors, it was a BL manga titled
'Please lift my dumbbels senpai!'.

It was posted on the school forums, a two page one shot where the ending is that me and Horikita-senpai were both shaking hands just like what we just did in the gym,the drawing was especially good in the ending, the only difference is that we were both blushing while looking at each other as our pupils turned into hearts.

I hope who ever made this to be ran over by a truck.

"The manga was already removed from the forums, after the student council dealt with this matter, however there were already lots of people who saw it" Mori said with a bitter smile as she closed her phone quickly, but i didn't miss to see her wallpaper.

I glance at the others since most of them were staring at me, they averted their eyes when i glance at them, Hirata just gave me a bitter smile.

Seems like i need to change my schedule at the gym, although i already promised to be gym buddies with Horikita senpai, i didn't want that one shot to turn into a series.

I was actually going to ask my classmate Horikita if they were siblings but she was glaring at me the whole time, her hands were in her pocket as if a knife was hidden in there and she would attack me when i got too close in her range.

Classes started with Chabashira sensei teaching us, however compared from the first day, some of them were talking albeit a whisper, some were even sneakily used their phones while classes were going on.

The lessons was simply a review for me since i already know it, there were even additional informations i could give but i didn't.

Lunch came but rather than Kushida's group, i was with Mori with her group, Karuizawa, Shinohara, Sato, Matsushita and Hirata. We were currently in the canteen having our lunch. I was in between Mori and Karuizawa. Of course the topic was about what happened this morning.

"Ayanokoji-kun, do you know Horikita senpai?" Sato asked me,she was eating one of the luxurious meals from the canteen.

"I didn't know that you were acquaintance with him" Hirata said.

"No, that's the first time i met him and let me make it clear, i don't had nor i would ever have in the future that kind of relationship to any men" i said a bit loudly since there were people looking at our direction.

As i said it there were girls who sighed in disappointment, most of them were wearing glasses from another table.
Are girls interested in that kind of relationship?

"Then what about Hoshinomiya sensei?, you two were lovey-dovey on the way to school, are you perhaps into older woman?" Matsushita was the one who asked this, just why do girls love gossips?

"There's nothing going on with me and Hoshinomiya sensei, we just happened to go to school together and she was just being the Hoshinomiya sensei, are you perhaps jealous Matsushita?" i asked her as i leaned my head on my hand, staring at her,
i wonder what would be their reactions if i tell them that i am living in the teacher's dorm and they were my neighbors.

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