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I huffed out tiredly as I made my way across campus.

"Just one more." I said to myself. "Just one more class for the day and then you can go home, shower, eat until your heart's content and then peacefully slip into an -itis coma.". Reminding myself that I was so close to being done for the day gave me the energy I needed as I walked into the building my lecture was being held in.

Deciding that I did not want to sit at the front of the class today simply because it was too far and I was too tired to make the trip down the stairs, I settled for a seat near the doors.

At least one set of the doors.

I glanced around me, briefly watching as students slowly but surely started filing in each minute. Looking down at my phone I realized that I had time to kill. And what better way to kill time than by scrolling on Pinterest?

Definitely not by doing assignments and working ahead.

Just as I was pinning an image I felt the chair next to mine roll from under the table signaling that it was being occupied. I scanned the room seeing that there were in fact many other seats still open, but they just had to choose this one. I slyly rolled my eyes not even bothering to look up, but instead continued what I was doing.

"uhmhhmm" I heard the stranger clear their throat. I just ignored them and continued scrolling, assuming that maybe they had something stuck. A tickle even.

It happens.

"Hi. I'm Dolan." I heard a deep voice announce. I turned to my right, finally giving him the acknowledgment it seemed like he was searching for.

"Athena." I said politely, but shortly before turning back to my phone.

"Athena. That's a cool name." I heard him say.

I mentally sighed as I glanced over at him sending a "Thank you." his way and hoped he'd get the memo that I really wasn't in the mood to hold a conversation.

"War and wisdom. The adored patroness who was ironically associated with peace and handicrafts. Beautiful and majestic." He recited back in response.

Confused at the sudden outburst of what sounded like random facts, I turned to him with squinted eyes and bewildered brows.

"I'm sorry, what?" I questioned.

I watched as he released a brief chuckle dropping his head timidly. This motion shifted my attention to the thick, black tresses that were now shielding him from my view as a few of the strands fell into his face covering his eyes. I followed his hands as they skillfully pushed the hair back into place while he lifted his head.

"Sorry. I'm a bit of a nerd. I was describing Athena the Greek goddess. She was beautiful, strong, strategic, wise. The list could go on forever." He rushed out, making me nod in realization.

He breathed out finally meeting my eyes as I looked on a bit humored by how chaotic all of this has been in the span of 5 minutes or so.

"Hi I'm Dolan." He said.

"Yea you've mentioned that part already." I replied releasing a light laugh. His face flushed as he shyly shook his head, smiling in embarrassment.

Just as he was about to say something else the professor walked in insisting that the class quiet down in preparation for the hour long lecture that was ahead of us.

Finally. It felt like I was anticipating the moment where I'd get to close my laptop and pack up my materials for the final time all day. Class was over and I was looking forward to getting to go home, shower, eat and sleep the week off.

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