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Disclaimer: The pictures I am using are just to showcase the outfits that I've imagined for the characters occasion.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring some annoying lyrics in my ear and instantly pressed the snooze button wanting more time in my bed. I smiled at the quietness and started drifting back to sleep only to open my eyes when I remembered that I had to get up so that I could get these brownies out of the way.

After willing myself out of bed by promising my body that I would go back to sleep as soon as business was handled, I got up heading to brush my teeth, wash my face, and take a quick shower. Yes, I am a two showers a day type of person. My night shower is when I do my real deep clean, exfoliation, and anything else that needs to be done. My morning shower is really just to shock my senses and wake me up.

15 minutes later I was stepping out of the shower and went to go moisturize my body and throw some clothes on. Since I'm just around the house I honestly wasn't trying to put nothing extravagant on. I knew I was going to be moving around a lot later so I went for some leggings and a sports bra. When I go to take the brownies I'll just throw on a t shirt.

Gotta love versatility.

I went back into the bathroom now that the fog had cleared and I was able to see myself in the mirror, so that I could clean my glasses and do something with my hair. Now I'm regretting even cowashing it this morning because it's just all over the place.

"Top bun it is" I sighed to myself, deciding to do what I knew would take me the least amount of time. I slicked some gel onto my hair and took my hard brush, getting to work. Lord knows after this my arms will be done for.

About 15 minutes passed and I was already finishing up my baby hairs. I don't care who will or won't see me. My hair will always be done nicely on my head and I can thank my granny for teaching me that. No matter where we were going or even if it was just me and my cousins playing around the house all day, in the mornings right after she cooked us all breakfast she would do our hair. Placing the sections into little pigtails, braiding them and putting those little cluckerball things at the ends. You know, the ones that hurt when they pop you in the head.

It's just in me to make sure my hair is decent.

Once all of my getting ready was done, I put on a little lip balm layering some gloss on top of it and made my way to the kitchen. As I started pulling down all the ingredients that I needed I took a quick break going in the living area to grab the remote to put a nice playlist on. When I heard smooth R&B start to play through the speakers I knew it was time to get to work.

While the brownies were in the oven I went ahead and started cleaning up after myself to get rid of any mess, which didn't take me long at all. I looked over at my phone to check the time remembering that the lady was suppose to be coming at 10:30am to hook up the Bluetooth audio system and install the lights around the apartment, especially the bathroom. I know it sounds really extra, but I wanted the lights to be professionally installed because I didn't like how the strips looked. Plus I wanted to have the same Bluetooth connection so that I could play my music around the entire apartment. If I'm going to be living here for a while then I might as well enjoy it, right?

"Well I'm glad that I don't have plans because it's 10:40. She a lil late." and right after I said those words there was a knock at my door.

Well look at God.

I quickly made my way to let her in not really giving much thought to what I had on as I had specifically asked for a woman. Something about a strange man being in my house while I'm here alone just doesn't sit right with me.

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