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"Can we just go through the drive thru? I look a mess and I'd hate to scare the kids." I asked Phoenix as we pulled into the parking lot.

The drive here had been really comfortable and casual, unsurprisingly. I've noticed that seems to be a thing between us, where we're able to just talk or be around each other without there being any pressure.

I like that.

"We can for sure do the drive-thru, but you ain't got a reason to hide."

I playfully rolled my eyes. "Phoenix... I look like I'm on a heist." I said humorously as I fixed the hood on my head.

He let out a chuckle. "Now that you said it, you do look like you up to no good."

We looked at each other, simultaneously adding "Forreal."

We both laughed out loud at the insider, while I sent him a nudge out of instinct.

He glanced over at me still wearing a smile as we pulled into the line of cars.

We chatted for a little bit about our weeks and school schedules, careful not to get into a deep conversation as it would be soon interrupted.

Speaking of.

As we pulled up to the worker standing outside Phoenix rolled down his window.

"Hi! What can I get for you today?" The young boy recited only taking a second to glance up from the iPad he was carrying around from vehicle to vehicle.

"Uhm..." I heard Phoenix breathe out before turning to look at me. "You go ahead ma."

I nodded turning my attention back to the teenager, wasting no time as I already knew what I wanted.

After saying my order, I leaned back so that Phoenix could say what he wanted. I reached into my purse pulling out my wallet so that I could have my card ready when he asked our payment method.

I know the entire process.

I went through a phase of eating here way too much.

"And will you be paying tonight using cash or card?"

That was my cue. Or so I hoped.

Before I could even reach over or answer, Phoenix had already beat me to the punch. Much to my surprise as I didn't even see him reach in his pocket at any point.

"Card." He answered suavely as he handed it over to the young man who handed it back about 5 seconds later. Thomas, whose name I learned after looking at his shirt during my short period of shock, let us know that our order would be done shortly and instructed us on which car to pull up behind.

As we followed behind the grey sedan in front of us. I cut my eyes over at Phoenix. With his foot resting on the brake, he looked over at me.

"You must be real hungry." He joked after taking in my silence and mean mug.

"Phoenix" I started, "you weren't suppose to pay for dinner. I was." I looked at him with raised brows.

He scrunched up his own wearing an expression that expressed how amusing he thought I was acting.

"When did we agree upon that?" He asked still with the same look on his face.

I huffed out. "Whether we did or we didn't, you saw me take my card out of my purse and lean up. I was gonna buy dinner as a thank you for helping me earlier."

After my explanation I shifted my gaze back to him to see that he was just staring at me like he didn't know whether to laugh or be insulted.

He finally spoke up.

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