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"Today is going to be a great day. It'll be fun." I chanted to myself for the 30th time as I rubbed lotion into my skin. I had just gotten out of the shower and needed to start getting ready to hang out with Phoenix.

For some reason I felt kind of sick to my stomach, but in like a nervous way. You know?

I found myself reciting the mantra out loud every 10-15 minutes as I needed the reassurance. Lord knows it was taking everything in me not to call and cancel. Even though it's not the first time I've been alone with him this feels a little different.

More than likely it's because this time it's planned and that's basically the green light for my social anxiety to start creeping in.

I huffed out in frustration, standing up straight as I pulled up the sweatpants I decided to wear over my hips. After putting on the rest of my garments and articles of clothes I made my way back into the bathroom. I stood at the mirror staring at this nest of braids on my head that needed to be taken out. After a minute or two of thinking, I watched as a grin slowly broke out across my face.

Throwing them into a bun I quickly made my way to the kitchen going into one of the spare cabinets. As I was leaning down to rummage through it I pushed my glasses back onto my nose feeling them slide down from their position.

"Ah" I victoriously exclaimed to myself after finding what I was looking for. I swiftly stood up and pulled out another drawer instantly finding the second item I needed. Racing over to the living room, I dropped what I'd gathered onto the coffee table and neatly laid it out.

Once that was done I made my way back to the bathroom in my room to collect the last of everything I needed for what I had planned. After it was all in hand I took one final look at the bathroom before turning and flicking the light switch on my way out.

Just as I was making it up the hall I heard my doorbell ring letting me know that the guest of the hour had arrived. I slid across the floor quickly placing what I was holding down on the table in as organized of a fashion as I could with the few seconds I had.

Not wanting to be rude and keep him waiting, I swiftly walked back to the door taking a deep breath before opening it.

"I was startin' to think you forgot about me again." I heard his deep voice announce as soon as the door was open and his eyes met mine.

I rolled my eyes stepping aside so that he could fully enter.

"Hello to you too Phoenix! I'm fine, thank you for asking. " I deadpanned watching him turn around after removing his shoes, but still wearing that signature grin of his.

He licked his lips, calmly striding back over to where I was standing by the closed door with my hand on my hip. I kept my stance despite being pulled into a hug. The smell of his cologne engulfed me as he wrapped his strong arms around my frame pulling my body into his.

"Hey mamas. How has your day been?" He whispered closely to my ear. I couldn't stop myself from relaxing into his embrace as my body seemed to do it as if it were a natural response.

Nonetheless, I was still stubborn and refused to hug him back.

"I ain't lettin' go 'til you hug me back." he chuckled deeply into my ear almost making me melt right on the spot while parts of me instinctively clenched.

Knowing that he was definitely one to keep his word I gave in and hugged him back not wanting to prolong my torture any further.

He soon released me, returning to his full height as he stood up straight making me feel very small.

And I'm not a small girl.

"That wasn't so hard was it?" He asked as he removed the jacket he came in with, showcasing the fresh white tee that was formerly hiding under it. I almost gasped out loud at the sight before me.

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