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I threw my keys across the room watching them land on the sofa after dropping the bags I was hauling in and locking the door. After doing 5 hours of last minute school shopping, it's safe to say that if I never see Target or a supply isle again I won't complain. There is no reason that this many people should be out, rushing to get stuff for their kids. I feel like I spent 3 out of the 5 hours either sitting in traffic or standing in a line. It just doesn't make sense. You knew your kid was starting the 3rd grade months ago so you should've already had their book bag and school supplies ready to go by now.

Leave the last minute days for us college students.

I made my way to the kitchen feeling my hunger increase with each step. I didn't have the energy to make anything super complicated so I settled with making a stir fry since that would only take about 20 minutes to prepare. I quickly took out everything I would need to cook dinner and got to work, having no time to waste.

I really need to stop forgetting to feed myself.

After throwing the rice on to cook, I went ahead and chopped the vegetables and peppers. I seasoned the shrimp too and put it to the side for last, knowing it would take the least amount of time.

As I watched everything simmer in the pan together I heard my phone vibrate on the counter and I wiped my hands, going to check it. I saw that it was my mom FaceTiming me, and my mood instantly changed.

"Hey mama!" I said excitedly seeing her face appear on the screen.

... well more like her forehead. Why must she hold the phone so close?

"Heyyy my boo! Whatcha doin' ?" She asked in the same sing-song voice she usually did, making me smile.

"Starin at yo' forehead." I teased, laughing out loud at the creases that formed letting me know she was pouting.

"Ma please move the camera back. It's too close! I can't see you." I quickly turned to glance over at the pan on the stove, checking the food before looking back.

"Well you know I don't know how to work this thing all the time. I don't have all the fancy angles and stuff memorized like you." She stated lightheartedly as she adjusted the camera to where I could finally see her full face.

"There we go!" I exclaimed. "Now I can see that pretty face of yours lady." I added, smiling as she rolled her eyes and failed at hiding her growing smile.

"How are you today? What's the schedule been like?" I asked, propping my own camera up so I could tend to my cooking while we talked.

"Ugh today has been tiring. You know your sister started school two days ago so that basically means I'm back on a school schedule too." She sighed out. "It's back to running back and forth between taking her to school and then picking her up, and then dropping her off at ballet and then picking her up. Making sure homework is done, uniforms are out, hair is done, grades are good and all that stuff. I just don't understand why they won't let these kids have a longer summer or do school from home or... something! I tell that girl everyday I'm this close to homeschooling her, but of course my child is the one kid that enjoys going to school to be around people. You and her are polar opposites sometimes I swear..." she continued on and I listened, just happy to hear her voice.

"Anyway, moral of it all is that me and your dad will definitely have our hands full until the next break." She finished with a huff. I simply shook my head, amused as I stirred.

"What about you? How is everything down there so far? You want us to come get you?" She asked quickly, making me laugh at her eagerness. One thing I never have to worry about is whether or not my momma misses me. She is constantly asking me if she needs to come and pick me up.

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