Chap-13 Loser They Say!

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"What the hell is this?" I threw the file on my desk

"Ma'am th..that we....."

"What? Give me an explanation, what the hell is this? 2 weeks, I gave your team 2 weeks and this is what I got" I yelled at him

"Ma'am, I'll recheck it"

"What do you mean by recheck? you should have checked it thoroughly before giving it to me. Mr. Frederick, I'm warning you, this is your last warning, next time if you repeat this mistake, please just give your resignation" I am so furious

"Sorry ma'am" he looked down

"Now take it and get out of my sight and don't show me your face till you've completed it"

He took the file and went out, I rub my forehead

Idiots! I've hired a bunch of idiots.

My head is aching because of them.

I heard a knock

"Come in!" I heard someone come in and put something on the table

"Coffee!" I opened my eyes to see Aaron standing Infront of me

"How do you know I need a coffee? You are a savior Aaron " he smiled

Cute dimply smile!

"Oh and these are the files you've asked for. I've checked it, there wasn't any mistake and these are the contract files, there were some points which needed to be corrected, I corrected them. Just check it again if anything else needed any change."

"You checked it, it's enough. " I smiled at him

And he has a strange emotion in his eyes

I frowned

"At least check it for once"

"No!" And sipped my coffee

I heard a knock

"Come in!"

"Ma'am! File" Mr. Frederick gave me the file

"Mr. Miller check this file and tell me if there are any mistakes"

"Ok ma'am" and went

"You can leave too Mr. Frederick" he nodded and left

After sometime Aaron came and point out some mistakes

I called Mr. Frederick in my cabin

"Yes ma'am"

"Did you check the file?"

"Yes ma'am"

I closed my eyes and rubbed my forehead

"Mr. Miller please!"

And Aaron told him the mistake

"Now tell me what should I do? You could have taken the time and rechecked it thoroughly but no and later you all say I like to fire people. Tell me what should I do now?"

"So_sorry ma'am"

"What the hell I should do with your sorry?" I yelled and stood up

I closed my eyes

"Give me one last chance ma'am. This will never be repeated"

I sighed

"From now on you'll report directly to Mr. Miller. As HOD of finance, you'll submit your work to Mr. Miller and he will give me after checking it again because I don't have enough energy to check your work thousands of times. But that doesn't mean you'll not do it correctly, sometimes I'll directly check the file and I'll ask about the details from time to time. Got it?"

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