Chap-22 Jealousy!

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"Isabelle! Isabelle!" I didn't say anything

By the way, I'm in our room. I came early to home as I have a headache so thought to take some rest.

"Isabelle....." He entered the room

"I'm calling you for 5 minutes at least answer" he sighed

"Hm!" I just hmm

I could feel his frown

"What happened?"


"Isabelle! Hello" I looked at him

"What happened? Why are you ignoring me?"

"I'm busy" and again started doing work

He looked at the laptop

"Then why did you come early to home? I mean....."

"I have a headache," I said without looking at him

"Oh! At least you could have told me. Mr. Brooks told me that you left when I went to take a sign from you"

I took a deep breath!

Don't be angry Isabelle. I'm telling you, stop it.

"Yeah I forgot" silence in the room

"Did you take medicine?"


He sat in front of me on the bed and just stared at me

"Are you upset with me? "

"Why would I? Did you do something to upset me?". I looked at him

Except for having your lunch with that girl and forgetting about me.

He looked confused and I was shocked. This man doesn't even remember and here I am sulking uselessly. Wow! Just wow.

Will you stop making a scene?

Shut up!

" oh, I get it!" I smiled, finally

"I didn't give you the file on time, that's why. Sorry, Isabelle, it took me some time to finish the file. I know you are strict on this matter and......."

I just looked at him, is he stupid or I'm a special case for him.

I sighed,

"Aaron, it's nothing. I just have a headache that's why. Don't overthink" and start doing my work

"If you have a headache then why are you working on your laptop." And snatched the laptop from me

I rose my eyebrow at him, a few days ago, he could speak without stammering in front of me

"Take rest, till then I'll make something to eat then have medicine"

"I don't want it and give me back my laptop, I have to work" I grumbled

He rolled his eyes at me

"No, you are resting"

"Says who?'' I narrowed my eyes at him

" says me. Now keep quiet and off to bed" he said sternly but I'm Isabelle how can I back off without a fight

"My laptop" and I put my hand in front of him

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