Chapter 02

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3rd POV
Charlie, Cora, and Evelyn cornered Bella against the side of her truck. Bella looked up in confusion before asking "What's going on?"

The three exchanged looks before Charlie said "Enough is enough, Bella, I'm sending you back to Renee's" this made Bella's eyes go wide and she shrieked out a "What?! Why?!" Charlie continued "Because this behavior isn't healthy or normal for a teenage breakup! You're acting like an elderly widow!" Cora and Evelyn nodded in agreement before Cora said "He's not coming back Bella" this made Bella scowl at her before whirling around to face Evelyn.

"You don't agree with them, do you?" Bella demanded, Evelyn stared at her before saying "Yes, as a matter of fact I do. Why wouldn't I agree with them?" "Because we're going through the same thing!" Bella snapped as if it was so obvious. Charlie and Cora looked at Bella in shock at her words as they were completely ridiculous and unexpected. Evelyn, however, merely blinked before asking in a calm, warning tone "Excuse me?"

Evelyn was trying to give Bella a chance to backtrack and rephrase herself in a way that didn't sound completely ignorant and selfish. Unfortunately, Bella was completely ignorant and selfish as she explained further.

"We both lost someone dear to us! We'll never see them again! Our entire world has fallen apart and there's no hope for the future!" Bella said dramatically, making Evelyn's hands ball up into fists as Bella stupidly continued "I know that we both went through something traumatic that tore apart a piece of ourselves, and now there's this gaping hole in our chests. Sometimes I think I need to be medicated. What was it that your mom took after Maddie was born? SSRIs? Anxiolytic? Oh and don't get me started on the nightmares—-" "Shut the hell up!" Evelyn finally snapped as she realized what was really going on.

Bella froze on shock as she had moronically thought that Evelyn was sympathizing with her "Wha-?" Bella was cut off when one of the three unknown eavesdroppers went barreling into her "She said 'shut the hell up' bitch!" Caitlyn roared in anger and started punching the living daylights out of the her cousin after tackling her to the ground. Bella started screaming "Get this crazy bitch off of me! Get her off! Get her off!" Evelyn and Charlie were stunned for a moment as Marilyn and Madelyn ran outside. When Cora caught sight of Maddie, she ran over and held her back while Marilyn grabbed Evelyn and Charlie's attention by hollering "Grab her before she kills this stupid bitch!"

Evelyn and Charlie quickly ran over and grabbed Katie's swinging arms and quickly dragged her off of Bella. Bella's face didn't look good at all. Katie had broken Bella's nose, given her two black eyes with one that was slowly swelling shut, her lip was busted open, and her cheek was bruised and swelling up. Bella suddenly sat up and spat out two teeth. In horror Bella started screaming and sobbing "Lock this psychopath up! Send her away! Not me! She clearly needs professional help! Send her away!"

Katie, who had been struggling against Evie and Charlie the entire time, suddenly snapped and fought harder while saying "You're one to talk you attention seeking slut! What the actual fuck is wrong with you?!" Just when Charlie thought he was going to need to handcuff his niece and call Doctor Shepherd for a tranquilizer Mary quickly tan over to her twin and cupped her cheeks. Mary started coping at her twin and slowly calming her down while Bella shakily stood up and surveyed the scene with her one good eye.

Mary was slowly calming Katie down as Charlie and Evie continued to hold her before releasing said girl and allowing her to fall into her twin's awaiting arms. Katie hugged Mary while sobbing into her shoulder, Cora still held Maddie who was also falling apart in the older woman's arms, Cora tried desperately to soothe the young girl with little success, Evie looked at her sisters in despair as tears filled her vision, Charlie seemed confused and concerned about his nieces as he watched helplessly as they fell apart from the grief.

Bella felt enraged. She lost her boyfriend! Her future! Immorality! She would never see him again, but knew that he was alive and well out there without her! She should be getting the pity filled sympathetic stares everywhere she went! She should be having people leave gifts for her, and teachers telling her not to bother with school for this entire year! Then she gets attacked by her cousin yet somehow they still have all the attention on them?! This wasn't fair! Bella was more important than these selfish, ugly, and stupid girls! Bella was prettier and smarter than all of them combined!

So their parents died, so what?! Bella lost her boyfriend! He was alive and not with her! That was the worst type of lost one can suffer from! Why didn't anyone see that?! Why did everyone care more about her stupid cousins?!

Before Bella could say anything Cora spoke up and said "Charlie take Maddie. I'm going to take Bella and Katie to the hospital. Mary, you ride with us and keep the peace" Mary nodded and guided Katie to Cora's car. Cora walked over to Bella and grabbed her hand but Bella yanked her hand away and yelled out "I'm not going anywhere near that psycho! She tried to kill me! Charlie should arrest her!" Cora glared at her "Enough Isabella! You and that big mouth of yours have caused enough damage for one day" Cora then grabbed Bella's upper arm and dragged her to the car.

Charlie, who was now holding Maddie, guided the remaining two sisters inside. Charlie led them to the kitchen and put a kettle on to boil for tea. He had Maddie and Evie sit at the dining room table.

Charlie faced his nieces and asked "Mind telling me what all that was about?" The two girls were silent making Charlie sigh and say "I can't help you if you don't talk to me" there was more silence as the girls stared blankly at the table until the kettle started screaming prompting Charlie to turn around and make two cups of chamomile tea for the girls.

Charlie was about to say something when Maddie finally said "She read our diaries" Charlie blinked and whispered out a startled "What?" Maddie blinked and slowly looked up as a single tear came out of her eye "She read our diaries and told everyon...

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Charlie was about to say something when Maddie finally said "She read our diaries" Charlie blinked and whispered out a startled "What?" Maddie blinked and slowly looked up as a single tear came out of her eye "She read our diaries and told everyone our secrets and private thoughts" Charlie was confused at first before realization dawned on him and he ran to the windows. His blood ran cold before boiling over with rage as he saw the neighbors outside and whispering to each other while staring and blatantly pointing at his house.

Bella just violated and exposed the girls and by tomorrow everyone will know about it.

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