Chapter 08

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3rd POV
It's been about a month since the Swan children found out about the wolf pack and the twins started dating Jacob and Leah.

Today was Saturday and tonight there was going to be a bonfire to celebrate. They were celebrating many things. Jacob taking his rightful place as alpha, and the two new arrivals to the tribe; Katie and Mary. Last Monday Jacob and Leah gave the twins promise bracelets, and the twins accepted.

 Last Monday Jacob and Leah gave the twins promise bracelets, and the twins accepted

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The girls were at Emily's cooking for the bonfire. Everyone was excited and the hustle and bustle and chatter left room for Bella to make her move. It was no secret that Maddie was the weakest of the sisters. In part it was because she was the youngest, but also because she was the most benevolent and the most docile.

While the women all cooked the feast for the bonfire,

While the women all cooked the feast for the bonfire,

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Maddie was separated from the pack.

Bella covered Maddie's mouth and dragged her into the forest. Maddie let out muffled yells and screams that went unheard by everyone else. Maddie squirmed and fought to get out of her hold but it was a fruitless endeavor.

Bella dragged Maddie to the cliffs where she threw her to the ground and started kicking her in the head and stomach as she hollered and yelled "You stupid bitch! You and your fucking whore sisters stole my life!" Bella knelt down and started punching Maddie in the face "I should be the one joining the pack! I should be the one everyone likes! I should have all the attention! I'm the one that deserves immortality! Me! Me! Me! Not your slutty sisters! And most certainly not you!" Bella suddenly pushed Maddie off the cliff.

Maddie, who was terrified of the ocean and therefore never learned to swim and injured, sank into the dark, icy depths.

Maddie, who was terrified of the ocean and therefore never learned to swim and injured, sank into the dark, icy depths

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Bella jumped in after her, but instead of saving her Bella swam to shore.

Evie's POV
I glanced up, after laughing at a joke that Leah told, to check on Maddie who had been quiet for the past 30 minutes. Only for Maddie to be gone.

I looked around but didn't see her anywhere. I walked away from the group to check the bathroom. I knocked on the door "Maddie? Are you in there?" I then opened the door after hearing no answer. I walked to the front porch wondering if the girls overwhelmed her and she needed some fresh air, but she was no where in sight......but Bella's truck was here.

Panic started setting in "Maddie?! Maddie?!" I started yelling as I ran around Emily's house looking for my baby sister. My actions caught the attention of the other women in the room and they immediately started helping me look and Emily called Sam. After searching Emily's house from top to bottom, I ran out to First Beach desperately hoping that she just went to take a walk and forgot to tell us. Leah, Katie, and Mary followed after me.

Once we were at First Beach we ran around like headless chickens calling out for Maddie. We only stopped when Mary exclaimed "Oh my god!" In horror. We turned to see a figure with long red hair falling into the ocean. We gasped and began running towards it.

A glimmer of hope filled me when I saw Bella jump in after her, but it soon faded when I saw her swim to shore.

I pushed myself to run faster and dove into the water with Leah hot on my heels. Mary fell to her knees crying as she went to call 911, while Katie tackled Bella and started punching her in the face.

No one cared to save Bella from Katie's wrath now.

Leah and I swam to where we saw Maddie fall before submerging ourselves into the ocean water. We were running on adrenaline, so we didn't notice the sting from the salt water. We kept swimming down until we saw red hair sinking below us. We both grabbed an arm and swam up to the surface, and back to shore.

Once there I saw Jake, Sam, and Embry pulling a furious Katie off of a beat up Bella. Mary was in hysterics with Emily and Seth trying to calm her down. While the rest of the packs were comforting their imprints Paul with Rachel, Jared with Kim, and Quil (who's 15) with 14 year old Claire. We dragged a beat up, unconscious Maddie to shore where Leah immediately started doing CPR.

"Emily! Where's the ambulance?!" I asked as she was the only calm and rational one here that wasn't trying to prevent justifiable homicide.

Emily looked up at me helplessly "They said that they'll be here in 20 minutes" I started sobbing as I turned back to Maddie "C'mon Maddie, breathe, baby  girl, please just breathe for me" I begged my lifeless looking sister.

Emily looked up at me helplessly "They said that they'll be here in 20 minutes" I started sobbing as I turned back to Maddie "C'mon Maddie, breathe, baby  girl, please just breathe for me" I begged my lifeless looking sister

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"Please, we can't lose you too. Please we need you, Maddie" I sobbed out, as Leah desperately tried to save my baby sister.

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