Chapter 09

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Maddie's POV
I woke up in a hospital bed surrounded by my sister's who look as if they've been crying for hours. Jacob stood next to Katie with his arms wrapped around her and Leah was in a similar position with Mary.

Outside the glass window/door-wall I saw Cora trying to calm Charlie down as he unloaded on Bella who was in handcuffs with deputies on either side of her.

Mary was the first to realize that I was awake. She broke away from Leah and rushed up to me before resting her forehead on mine "Oh thank god..." she whispered as she stroked my cheek lovingly. Jake noticed that my attention was drawn elsewhere and his face hardened when he realized what held it. He walked over to the windows catching the attention of Cora, Charlie, the deputies, and Bella (who scowled at me) as he snapped the blinds shut before returning to Katie's side.

I saw that Evie was staring at me teary eyed as she tried to keep it all in "Maddie.....I'm so sorry. I should've paid more attention to you then Bella-" she started but cut herself off as the lump in her throat threatened to make her cry.

I reached out a hand for her which she immediately grabbed. I smiled at her and in a raspy voice said "Just because mom and dad are gone, and you're the oldest, doesn't mean that you're responsible for everyone. You're human, and your still growing up too. You can make mistakes, you can cry, you can even scream and throw punches if you need to but please just stop bottling up all your feelings it'll kill you. We love you, and we can't lose you just yet" Evie burst into tears as she hugged me a babbled out apologizes.

Mary, Katie, and I all hugged her back as we whispered that it wasn't her fault. It wasn't either. It was that drunk truck driver and Bella's fault.

Leah and Jacob left to give us some privacy, and to let the doctor know that I was awake.

Seeing the opportunity I broke the hug and said "I have a lot to tell you guys" they looked at me confused as Evie grabbed the tissues and started passing them around. I sighed as I started "Dad didn't die on impact like I said...." I confessed the secret that I'd been keeping. I told them his final words as well as why I didn't tell them sooner. To my surprise they weren't mad or disappointed in me like I feared. Evie even said that she likely would've done the same.

I then told them about me being on the brink of heaven and what mom and dad had told me.

By the end of it there was only silence as questions lingered in the air.

'Why were we so important?'

'How could we unite the supernatural world?'

'What was waiting for Evie and Maddie in Italy?'

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