My Friends, My Escape

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I'm going to use their real names because these people are legit angels.
Around second grade, my best friend was Charissa Call, her father was a preacher and she would talk to me about God and how Jesus loved me. She asked if I wanted to be "soul sisters" She was my best friend.
During my friendship with her, I swear every time I looked at the sky, I could see the figure of what I can only explain as being an angel, I always said it was my dads mom looking over me. Hellen made me put a stop to being friends with her, I was so scared to tell Hellen the truth about stupid stuff like biting my nails for instance or eating too much of something at her moms that I would tell her a lie and she would make me swear on peoples lives.
Another good friend of mine was Maxine Hren (Fawcett) we would sit in computer class during free time and talk about what we were going to do when Hellen finally left. Maxine was my neighbor. But we were never allowed to hang out. I was never allowed to hang out with any friends, have sleepovers, go to parties, nothing. But Maxine would dream with me on what I wanted to do when I was finally free. We'd eat pop tarts and ice cream and cookie dough.
The friends I had during my childhood, saved my life. I was 10-12 years old already wanting to end my life and they were a beacon of safety and hope for me.

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