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I was a sophomore in high school the first time I smoked pot. The first time i did it, I didn't feel anything but the first time that I actually got high, I loved it. I thought I was so cool. And I instantly fell in love with the way it made me feel.
If my dad wasn't home, I'd smoke in my room or have my friends girlfriend come get me and she would take me to hang out with them and get high. Any time I had the chance to smoke weed, I would. I remember smoking weed one time the night before donating blood. I was paranoid they were going to find it in my blood.
My junior year of high school I met a guy (I'll talk about him in a later chapter) and we became good friends, we smoked and hung out...hooked up.
By my senior year I was smoking pot at least two times a week if not more.
The year or so following graduation from high school, I don't think there was very many nights I wasn't high. I experimented with Xanax a couple times. Taken adderall and hyper focused on cleaning my exes best friends massive bedroom until it looked like something out of a home and gardens magazine. One night a large group of us did whip its. If you don't know what those are, they're basically canisters condensed air used for whipped cream. And you inhale the gas from it and get dumb high for like, 10 seconds.
Weed was a weakness for me for a long time. I had to stay completely away from it or else I would spiral into being high at least once a day. I understand I could have experimented and gotten addicted to a lot worse things but for me, the time I spent under the influence were the lowest moments of my life.

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