Meeting Tony

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Normal- when people in the hall are talking

Talking- When people in the memories are talking

Dialogue- What is happening in the memoires 


"Alright we are going to start with how Tony and Penny first met" Stephen announced

Penny walks off the elevator of her apartment building, listening to music wearing black jeans, a dark green shirt with a black zip up. Her backpack slung over her shoulder in one hand holding her spell book that's glamour to look like a Spanish book

Opening her apartment door she calls out to her aunt May "Hey aunt May! I'm back. You will never believe this. A sick car is parked outside!" Penny calls from the kitchen grabbing a bag of chips before entering the living room only to stop short seeing her aunt May sitting on the couch with none other than Tony Stark

"Ah! You must be Penny Parker glad to see you. I was just talking with your aunt about the grant" Penny looks between the two, her face kept neutral but the suspicion in her eyes doesn't go unnoticed by Tony "Penny why didn't you tell me about the grant!? I would have loved to know more about it"

"You know me aunt May, I love surprising you I was gonna tell you I just haven't found the right time"

Tony looks shocked and intrigued by how easily Penny lied to her aunt and how it sounded true as well. Not many people can lie that easily

May looks over at her niece "You didn't have to lie. You could have told me" Penny looks over to her aunt "It was better when you didn't know. Maybe then you would still be alive" Penny tells her but whispers the last part

Stephen who heard her wrapped his arm around her shoulder "It's not your fault" he tells her "We can save her" Penny gives a hesitant nod turning back to the screen

"Why don't we discuss this more between me and Ms. Parker"

Penny nods and leads Tony to her bedroom. Opening the door she always Tony to enter first before following, she closes and locks the door before looking at her, arms crossed

Molly and Lily gasp and looks to Penny like she created a crime "Young lady! You should not be in your bedroom alone with a man. That is inappropriate!" Lily yells at Penny

Penny and Tony make gross out faces as the stare at Lily in disgust "Lady shut the hell up! All I did was talk with Penny!" Tony snapped. He's been called a lot of things but he won't stand to be called a pedophile but some woman

"Why are you here?" Penny voice was cold and detached of emotion shocking Tony on how this 16 year old was acting "I need your help"

"My help? How could I help you with anything? Your a billionaire and superhero. I'm just a girl from queens" Tony nodded before taking out his phone and showing a video on a hologram of the new superhero Spider-Women stopping a bus from crashing into on going traffic  "That's you isn't it?"

The great hall gasp and turns to Penny who's now leaning her head against Stephen shoulder as Team Caption America looked at Tony shocked and angry that he brought a sixteen year old to fight "What the hell Tony?! You brought a sixteen year old to the fight? What were you thinking?!" Steve yelled 

Tony flinched at little covering his arc reactor subconsciously which the team, the group from 2018 and 2024 caught. Everyone expect, Pepper, Happy, Stephen and Penny are confused about why Tony acted that way. 

When Steve stood up and started walking over to Tony, Penny quickly got up holding out her hand, stopping Steve with her magic "Take one more step and I will send you flying back into the wall" Penny voice was cold and void of emotion. Wanda stood up and was about to use her magic on Penny, when Stephen used his powers sending her back into her seat 

Everyone in the hall looked at the two of them shocked but they didn't care, Penny needed to protect Tony and Stephen needed to protect Penny. Tony stood up from his seat slowly walking towards Penny "Pen" Penny snapped her head towards Tony. Her eyes glowing bright pink, her hair starting to turn brown with pink highlights "Penny, I'm okay. He can't hurt me again, alright? He will never hurt me again" 

The team got even more confused as Steve looked guilty. Penny took a deep breath, her eyes fading back to her chocolate brown, the brown hair and pink highlights going back to light red hair, she lets go of Steve as Stephen pulls her back over to their seats pulling her closer to him

Penny looks at the screen before looking back at Tony  "You show up at my apartment because someone dressed in blue and red shows up on the internet? For someone so smart, you sure are dumb" Tony is taken back by her statement and a little offended "I'm not the person on the screen" 

Tony nods a bit not believing her for one moment he looks around her room as he Penny turns her back towards him laying her bag on her bed. Tony takes this and grabs Penny scissors throwing them towards her, quickly Penny spins around and catches them before they can hit here

"Tony!" Pepper and May yell glaring at Tony as everyone yelled out in fear and awe seeing Penny catch those scissors without looking "What would have happened, if you were wrong! What if they hit Penny?" Tony pales, he never thought of that "I am so sorry Penny" Tony apologizes shocking the Rogues, they never seen Tony apologize to anyone "It's okay Tony" Pen gives him a smile

"Dude!" Penny exclaimed, Tony only shrugged "So, you gonna continue with the whole 'I'm not that person' thing?" Penny sighs setting down the scissors before sitting on her bed "Look, I can't help you. Whatever your dealing with is Avenger stuff, while you guys save the world I save the people and getting involved with anything that has to do with the Avengers would take time away from me helping the city" 

The Avengers looked down, Penny is right, they do save the word they sometimes forget that the people need saving as well that there is more dangers things in the world and they don't do anything to help them

Tony looks down Penny words hitting harder then she would think "Alright how about this. I believe this would end in a fight even if I wish it wouldn't and things might get messes. What if you're on stand by so if a fight does start you can help keep the civilians safe?" Penny looked at him seeing the honesty in his eyes "Fine, only to keep the civilians safe" Tony held out his hand, Pen looked at it before shaking    

"The civilians were fine. Nobody got hurt" Steve shrugged making Pen, Tony and Stephen look at him like he was stupid "Are you kidding me? That little trick Scott Lang did, put 20 people in the hospital because of debris from the explosion. Two little kids couldn't get out of the airport and hid inside their car waiting for their parents to find them. The same car Wanda sent flying, if it wasn't for Penny those kids would have died!" Tony yelled getting up 

"You guys cost thousands of dollars in damaged, put more than 20 people in the hospital, almost killed Tony! And you say your hero's? None of you are hero's, None!" Penny told them shaking her head making Clint and Natasha look down as Wanda and Steve think they done nothing wrong. Bruce and Thor only shake their heads at the four before moving closer to Tony 

The rest of the hall looked at the four with disgust none of them could think of the damage they've cost, before they could say anything the next memory starts   

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