Dying & Remembering

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Normal- when people in the hall are talking

Talking- When people in the memories are talking

Dialogue- What is happening in the memoires

Music- What's playing



"I think we should sleep after this" Pepper spoke up. McGonagall looked around the hall seeing the younger years trying to stay awake "Yes I think that would be a good idea. Video, dinner then bed" 

"What would be watching this time?" Thor asked looking at the roof not knowing where exactly the voice is coming from "7 months in the future. The death of Penny Parker" Penny family and the ones who started to like the young girl stopped breathing 

"What?" Stephen looked around "But you said we have kids in a year! How could she be dead in 7 months?" Stephen and Tony tighten their holds on Penny neither wanting to let go "You have to watch and find out"  

"Steph" Penny held his face "It's going to be okay, we have kids in the future May and Beverly. Everything is going to be okay" Blue-grey eyes lock with chocolate brown, Stephen gives a shaky nod and leaned back holding Penny tighter as the screen turned on

Penny is laying on the ground on the beach in her new spider-woman suit but her mask is thrown to the side. Her red hair fanned out like a halo but what is concerning is the blood around Penny

Cuts on her face and blood pouring from the side of her stomach she stares at the night sky. Her skin is pale her lips turning blue, her throat red and what looks like a hand print, her breathes coming out in pants her eyes dropping ever so often 

Penny breath gets stuck in her throat seeing herself like that. No matter how many times she was taken down she never looked as bad as she did on the screen, not even when she dusted. May grabs Pepper hand not liking how her niece looks

A portal opens up a few feet down the beach "Penny! Are you here!?" Stephen calls looking around "I saw what happened on the news! Where are you?!" Stephen keeps looking around but Penny couldn't make a noise since her throat was damaged during the fight 

When he doesn't see her he goes to walk back to the portal Penny shots some magic at him, it isn't enough to hurt Stephen but enough to let him know she's there. Stephen turns around looking for Penny but can't see her "Penny!" He yells walking forward, Penny sends some magic in the air 

Stephen runs toward where the magic came from stopping when he sees Penny on the ground. He falls to his knees looking over her "Pen. Penny stay awake" he tries to keep her awake as he makes a new portal to the sanctuary before picking Penny up making a whimper fall from her throat "I'm sorry" He whispers walking through the portal 

Wong was sitting reading a book "About time you came back. Did you find Spider-Woman?" When Stephen rushes past him without a word he looked up to see him setting Penny down on an empty table "Is that Spider-Woman?" Wong jumped up rushing towards his best friend and Penny 

"Yes, I need you to get my a blanket" Stephen pushed her spider emblem the suit sags, Stephen grabs the blanket covering her before pulling off her suit making sure the blanket is covering her he moves to the right of her shifting the blanket so the right of her stomach and thigh is shown a big wound starting at the side of her stomach and stopping at her thigh 

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