I'm Done

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Normal- when people in the hall are talking

Talking- When people in the memories are talking

Dialogue- What is happening in the memoires

Music- What's playing


Once Penny calmed down she cuddled with Stephen. James glared at the male thinking of ways to get his daughter away from him and into a respectable pureblood arms

He will not have the Potter family tainted because of him. The lights dimming brought him out of his thoughts, he turned to the screen not seeing a pair of eyes on him

"Alright. In these sets of memories it's going to show you guys how many time Penny knew her time was coming to an end. To show you guys just how much she suffered" the voice said

Wanda scoffed "She couldn't have suffered that much" everyone glared at her as Natasha smacked her around the head "She has suffered more than you, so shut it" she snapped at the girl

Wanda reeled back caught off guard on how Nat was acting but before she could say anything the screen turned on. Scoffing she turned not saying anything

Penny was standing in front of the Vulture in her old spider-woman suit. Adrian Toomes held her at gun point

May sucked in a harsh breath. Even though this has happened just a week ago for her and the group she was brought with it doesn't make it any less scary

Ned, MJ and Happy were thinking the same thing. For them it happened last week, for penny it happened years ago but it will always scare them

"Well, Spider-Woman all here alone with no help" Toomes, taunted walking closer to her "No one to save you" he rips the mask off her face. Her red hair falls down her back, her brown doe eyes glaring at him with so much hatred that if it was possible he would have been dead

"Whose gonna help you now?" He smiled nastily at her "Is this how you die? Alone and scared?" Penny shook her head no emotion on her face "Who say's I'm scared?" The gun in Toomes hand wavers a little "There is no one to save me"

Penny looks down already knowing what's going to be shown, but she can't find it in herself to care. She's been through a lot, even at the time this memory takes place, she's gone through to much not to think about how she was going to die

Tony looks down knowing that he took away the one thing that could have alerted him that Penny needed help. The one thing that allowed her to call for back up was taken away leaving her to fight on her own

"I'm past saving" 

Tony head snaps up at the sentence as everyone went quiet. The only thing you could hear in the hall was people breathing

Toomes took a step back no expecting her words, and not expecting the cold and detached tone she told them in "I know how my story ends, it's at the edge of a blade or a barrel of a gun" she takes a step closer to Toomes and he takes a step back "So the question is, is that going to be today? That going to be that gun?" 

Penny and Toomes just stare at each other

"Pen..." Tony turns to stare at the girl he considers a daughter but he doesn't know what to say. What do you say when the girl you see as your own, doesn't care of how she dies, how she could be so calm in front of a gun, how do you talk to the girl you see as your own when she isn't afraid of dying 

"I'm fine, Tony" Penny grabbed his hand giving it a squeeze knowing he was worrying about her well being, but she doesn't want anyone to worry about her. It would be easier for her when she leaves the world 

Forgotten- watching memories  HPxMARVELWhere stories live. Discover now