Happy & Penny

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Normal- when people in the hall are talking

Talking- When people in the memories are talking

Dialogue- What is happening in the memoires

Music- What's playing


"The next memory will be Happy and Penny. While they have a lot of history together but I will be showing you the moment Happy and Penny relationship really change from being friends to being family" The voice spoke up, Penny immediately knew what memory would be shown. Happy leaned forward, he cared for the kid but to find out how his relationship changed

Penny dressed in black pants with a orange shirt, dirt over her face, along with cuts on her lip and near her eyes, her hair is flowing how her back. She's limping as a jet lands in the middle of a field of flowers, as the jet lands Happy walks out 

"Penny?" Happy calls out walking down the ramp "Happy? Is that you?" Penny asked, Happy looks at her confused "Yeah, of course it me" He walks closer to her but she suddenly stops "Stop! Don't move! Are you really, Happy?! Tell me something that only you would know?" Happy seeing the look of distrust in her eyes nods holding up his hands 

"You gave Morgan her middle name. Tony always wanted you to name her, so you said her middle name should be Emery because it means power. Morgan Emery Stark"  

"Stark? Is she?" Everyone turned to Stephen and Penny seeing as they're the only ones who know what the future holds "Your daughter? Yeah, you had her the five years everyone was blipped away" Stephen told him "You never gave her a middle name because you were hoping I would come back to name her. I thought Emery would be a great fit" Tony and Pepper smile, a sad one. 

Morgan forgot Penny was alive, she forgot her sister while Penny had to live with the knowledge that the person she named doesn't remember her anymore "It's a great fit" Tony agreed smiling at her 

Penny released a breath, before she lipped the rest of the way brining Happy into a hug, one that he returned "Penny you have to tell me what the hell is going on" Penny and Happy are in the Jet, Happy is wearing his glasses as he stitches up a large cut on Penny back when Penny gasp out in pain "Don't you have super strength?" he asked

Penny groaned resting her hand on her closed fist "It still hurts" she tenses up again "Relax Penny" Happy told her when he saw her tensing and getting anxious 

"Don't tell me to relax Happy" Penny snapped, slamming her fist on the table standing up

Some jump not expecting Penny to shout. Penny shot him a apologetic look but he waves her off, he can tell just from this something bad must have happened   

"How can I when I messed so badly. I trusted Beck! I thought he was my friend, I handed over the last thing Tony left for! Gave me! And what did Beck do? Broke my trust, used it against me, sent me into holograms that I didn't know if it was real or fake! And now I'm stuck here and he is out creating havoc!" Penny runs her hands through her arm as she takes a seat across from Happy

Happy sighed taking off his glasses resting them on the table just looking at Penny, "I'm sorry" she apologized rubbing her face as she leans her elbows on her knees looking up at him, her hair falling to the right of her face "I didn't mean to, I shouldn't have shouted. I just really miss him" Happy smiled sadly "I miss him too"

Tony looked at Penny and Happy, he couldn't believe he left these two alone. He left his family alone, sure he saved the world but he hurt the people who he thought of as his world

Penny shook her head "Everywhere I go, I see his face" she shakes her head as Happy looks at her sadly "And...the whole world is asking me who's going to be the next iron-man and..." she covers her mouth looking down "I don't know if that's me Happy. I'm not Iron-Man" she looks at him eyes begging him for an answer

Happy shakes his head a little "You're not Iron-Man, you're never gonna be Iron-Man" Penny looks down "No one can live up to Tony. Not even Tony" he continues Penny looks up at him a little hiding behind her hair "Tony was my best friend and he was mess" at that Penny head snapped up as she leans forward 

Happy nodded "He second guessed everything he did. He was all over the place, the one thing that he did that he didn't second guess was picking up" Happy looks into her eyes "I don't think Tony would have done what he did....If he didn't know that you were going to be here after he was gone" Penny has tears in her eyes as she looks at him taking in his words "You saved Tony Penny....You saved him when Steve almost killed him in that bunker...You saved him from getting smashed when those alien's came to earth. But most importantly you saved him from himself"

Penny starts crying a little "You showed him, he is not his father. You showed him that he could be an amazing father if he tried hard enough, you showed him that even though he'd seen the horror of this world he doesn't need to make believe that he's okay. Because I know that every time he looked at you he saw the strong girl you are after everything that happened to you, he saw you still standing. You gave him strength when he had none, you gave him a drive to get everyone back. You did that Penny" 

Penny starts sobbing now holding her head. Happy got up and pulled her into a hug "You are not Iron-Man, You're better, you just need to prove it to yourself" he mutters in her ear as some tears fall down his face

When the memory faded Tony looked at his daughter who is crying into Stephen chest as Ned holds her hand, he gets up from his seat, walks towards her kneeling down in front of her "Penny" She lifts her head of his chest her eyes now red "Penny I don't want you to be Iron-man, because you are so much more than that. Penny you have been through more than I have from a young age...I don't know how your still standing but you are and I am so proud of you for that, but never think you have to be me to achieve something. You already have, you just need to be Penny Parker, and once we get back you will stay Penny Parker, no one is forgetting you this time" 

Tony draws Penny into a hug as she cries on his shoulder "I missed you" she mutters making him hold her tighter "I know....You won't have to anymore" he promises 

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