Forget who Penny Parker is

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Normal- when people in the hall are talking

Talking- When people in the memories are talking

Dialogue- What is happening in the memoires

Music- What's playing

[voice over]

Blending in with a photo (Like see through)


After a small break where everyone went to the bathroom and get snacks they were ready to continue "Two more will be shown. One is a memory and the other will be from the future" The voice broke out. Some started to get excited while Pen laid in Stephen arms "Wonder what will be shown" Stephen muttered eating some popcorn "Who knows. Hopefully it's not to bad" Penny shrugged 

Penny and Stephen were standing on top of the Statue of Liberty, talking to each other. Penny had on her Iron Spider suit with the mask down as Stephen floated in front of her, a portal open behind him 

Penny and Stephen sat up, both of them remembered this day like it was yesterday, even though for them it was about 2 weeks ago. May noticed her niece and future- nephew- in-law looking tense and nudge Pepper "Something's wrong. I don't think this is a good memory" May whispered. Pepper looked at the two and nodded in agreement, they saw how tense and pale they are "No it isn't" 

Penny looked at Stephen with tears in her eyes. There was a large cut across her nose, a small one by her left eyebrow, blood on her cheeks "What if everyone forgot who I was" Penny said. Stephen looked at her confused "What?" 

"They're coming here because of me, right? Because I'm Penelope Parker" Stephen starts shaking his head, knowing where his girlfriend was going with this "So cast a new spell." Penny walked closer to her boyfriend "But this time make everyone forget who Penelope Parker is. Make everyone forget... Me" 

"What?!" Team Iron Man, Thor, Bruce Natasha and Clint looked at Penny like she was crazy "Pen- W-No!" Tony stuttered, he couldn't believe this, this was the spell, this was when Penny decided her entire future. The future with her gone "Tony" Penny looked at her father figure sadly "It was the only way and if... If I had to do it again... I would in a heartbeat if it meant the people I loved were safe" 

Tony shook his head not wanting to believe it, he didn't want to believe Penny did this just so people wouldn't go after what she loved. Who she loved. His wife and little girl. Her best friends. Her other best friend parents. He didn't want to believe Penny would do it over again

Stephen grabbed Penny face in his hands "No" 

"But it would work, right?" 

"Yeah it would work" Stephen shook his head still holding his girlfriend face "But you gotta understand that would mean that everyone who knows and loves you we..." Stephen eyes started to fill with tears "We would have no memory of you. It would be as though you never exited" Penny blinks, tears start falling down her face as she swallowed hard "I know" 

Ginny and Ron grabbed Fred and George hands. Parents pulled their kids to them, siblings held each other tightly. Professors held each other hands. None of them could even think of doing what Penny is doing, they couldn't erase themselves from everyone mind, even if it meant protecting them. They couldn't

But a 17 year old girl- no Woman- is willing to do that. Erase herself from everyone, her sister, her mother figure, uncle figures, best friends, her love, just to keep them safe. Stephen wrapped his arms around his Penny, that night still fresh in his mind, he would never forget the feeling of losing something and not knowing what 

"Do it" 

"Penny" Penny rested her hands on top of his and looked into his amazing blue eyes that she fell in love with "I have to do this. None of you- Pepper, Rhode, Happy, Ned, MJ, Morgan... YOU- would be never safe if the other worlds remember me. I have to do this Stephen" Her eyes were filled with so much pain but also determination. Stephen knew there was no changing her mind "I'll remember you. I promise, when I remember you, I'll find you" 

"I know you will" Penny leaned forward and kissed his slowly, pouring all of her emotion into that one kiss knowing it'll be the last one for a while "I love you Stephen Strange" Penny whispered against his lips "And I love you Penelope Parker" The two pull away holding each other hands "Go say goodbye" Penny squeezed his hand before letting go and swinging away

Stephen watched her go, his tears finally falling "I love you" He whispered 

The Hall was filled with people crying "H-How could you make that sacrifice?" Ginny asked sniffling "I love my siblings but I don't think I could make them forget me to save the world" Penny looked at Ginny for a moment before shaking her head "I didn't do it to save the world" Everyone turned to her, some confused, some shocked, and some curiously

"See" Wanda said making everyone turn to her "I told you she isn't a hero" Wanda said smugly making Steve, The Potters and Dumbledore nod in agreement. Penny glared at them eyes glowing pink making them shrink down before she turned back to Ginny "Like I was saying, I didn't do it to save the world. I did it to save my world." Pen looked at Tony, Rhodey, Pepper, May, MJ, Ned, Happy and Stephen "Everyone I cared about was in danger because I loved them. The sacrifice I made wasn't to save the world, it was to save them" 

"Let me ask you Ginny" Ginny nodded "If you had to erase yourself from the people you love memories, so it was like you were never born, to keep them safe and happy and alive, would you do it?" 

"In a heartbeat" Ginny didn't hesitate, if she had to erase herself from Ron, Fred, George, Bill or Charlie memories to keep them safe she would do it in a heartbeat. Ron, Fred and George smile at their sister. Penny nodded and looked at her family "That's why I did it. Because their worth every sacrifice. Sacrifices weren't meant to be easy, it's why there called sacrifices. It hurts, it's painful, sometimes you wish you weren't alive because of the sacrifice you made... but it's always worth it when you know your loved are safe" 

"Was it worth for you?" Ron asked. Penny looked back at her family "...Yeah. It was"    

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