I'm alone

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Normal- when people in the hall are talking

Talking- When people in the memories are talking

Dialogue- What is happening in the memoires

Music- What's playing


"This memory is one with the other Spider- Women's" Everyone expect Stephen and Penny became confused "What do you mean by that?" MJ asked confused "Uh...So the multiverse is real" Penny tells them making Bruce and Tony look at her

"WHAT!" They both yell making Penny wince "Sorry" they mutter

"Just watch" Stephen tells them

Penny is sitting on the beach the water hitting her feet. The other spider-women's swing down beside her they each pull of their mask

Penny Parker from earth 38 (First Spider-Man with Toby Maguire) sits on her left

Penny Parker from earth 38 (First Spider-Man with Toby Maguire) sits on her left

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As Penny Parker from earth 46 (The Amazing Spider-Man) sits on her right

"I thought they would look like you" Bruce said staring at the two other Spider-Woman "In other worlds some may look like our Penny

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"I thought they would look like you" Bruce said staring at the two other Spider-Woman "In other worlds some may look like our Penny. Just like in some worlds other versions look like me. It's all about the world they're on" Stephen

"What are you guys doing here?" Penny asked looking out into the water "We wanted to make sure you wouldn't do anything reckless" Pen from earth 38 told her "Reckless like what? Going out and finding the green goblin myself and killing him" The other Penny's shared a look over her head

"I know you want revenge but it's not the way to go" Penny from earth 46 told her making Penny scoff "So you never wanted revenge on someone for killing your family?" she asked. Both of the girls stayed silent "That's what I thought, but the difference is you still had people by your side"

She got up and looked at the other versions of herself "You had people to fall back on. Yes we all lost Ben but we had May to fall back on. You're May is still alive! You're May is there for you when you fall! She is there to catch you! I have no one!" Pen from 38 shakes her head getting up

"You have Ned and MJ"

"Not if I tell Stephen to do the spell" Penny from 46 stands up and stares in disbelief at her "NO!" They both yell "You can't do that! Everyone will forget you" Penny said. She only shook her head

"Don't you get! If the spell isn't done everyone will remember me! Even the people from your world will remember there is another Penny Parker out. Another Spider-Women one who is weaker than the others!"

"You're not weak Penny" Ned told her but she only shook her head

"You are not weak!" Pen yelled "I am! If I wasn't I would have saved Ben! I would have saved Tony! I would have saved May! But I didn't!" Penny yelled at them "I didn't save them! I have no one! If the world remembers me Ned and MJ will be in danger and they will die and I won't be able to save them! I will fail! Again!"

Penny body shakes with sobs "You guys have no idea what it's like to lose your entire family. You still have people to call family, and to wake up too and to tell them you love them. You can hug and call them anytime you want but the last of my family died in my arms....Everyone dies in my arms" Penny sobs

Her hair turns pink with brown highlights, her eyes start glowing and her magic wraps around her arms. The girls look at her in wonder, they of course know Penny was adopted by Richard and Mary, because they were too. They know their birth mother and father names are James and Lily Potter and they have a twin bother named Harry

The difference between them and this Penny, is that she has magic while they don't. They weren't born with magic so James and Lily gave them away but this one...James and Lily believed she had no magic so they gave her away not knowing she wields the most powerful magic anyone has ever seen

The hall is silent as they take in what they just learned "What?" Remus turns to look at his best friend and his wife "You...You gave her away?" Sirius leans forward "You told us she appreciated when Voldemort attacked"

Penny looks at them "They told you what?" she moves out of Stephen arms and stands up "Voldemort? Please that guy couldn't even cast the killing curse right. I deflected it easily" Amelia looked at the youngest Potter "What do you mean you deflected you?" she asked

Penny shrugs looking at her "I mean, I casted a wandless shield to protect me and Harry. The curse rebounded off the shield onto the roof and back to Voldemort killing him." The hall looks at the young Potter with different expressions

"NO!" Harry yelled standing up "Then explain my scar! It's from surviving the killing curse! I know it is!" Penny looked at her twin broadly "The wood fell on you making that scar. That is what it is...Just a scar. Nothing more, nothing less" The hall exploded into whispers

People talking about Harry claiming to defeat You-Know-Who when it was really Penny who did it. The Potters turn red in the face while Sirius and Remus move away from them "Calm down everyone!" Amelia yelled making the hall quiet "Let's continue with the memory and we can discuss this more later"

Penny walked back over to her seat, Stephen pulling her into his arms right when she sat down

Penny sobbing broke them out of their shock, they watch as she starts to fall before Pen grabs her "I have no one. And when the spell is done, I'll be alone...I'm already alone" Penny walks over and gets on her knees next to them "I'm alone" Penny whispers crying into Pen shoulder as the girls hold her

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