Do you like what you do?

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Normal- when people in the hall are talking

Talking- When people in the memories are talking

Dialogue- What is happening in the memoires

Music- What's playing

[voice over]


The others around the hall were still talking about the last memory and how beautiful Midnight was "I can't believe I get to see Midnight again" Penny smiled missing her horse. It was gift from the Stacy's when she turned 10, ever summer she would go up to the farm and spend time with them and ride Midnight 

"Alright everyone one last memory before lunch" the voice said making everyone sit back down ready to watch another memory most wondering if this one will be sad or happy 

Penny and Morgan we're in the older girl lab. Morgan was now 10 and Penny was now 20, both sisters we're working on an upgrade for her new suit 

Tony smiled at his two girls working together in the lab

Morgan set her pen down and looked at her older sister "Penny" Penny hums moving around "Yeah Morg?" 

"Do you like you're job?" Penny stops looking at her upgrade and turned to her sister "What do you mean?" Morgan shrugged "I mean...Monsters" Penny tilts her head up now understanding, Morgan wants to know if she likes stopping the monster. The villains "Right? Do I like it?" Penny sat down across from her little sister 

Everyone in the hall leaned forward, while they watched what this life has taken away from her, they also watched what this life has given her

"Uh... pff...I do" she nods "I mean there's bad. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of bad" Penny looks at one of the Iron man suits she keeps in her lab with a frown before turning back towards her sister as Morgan watches her "Still feels good to help people" 

Penny frowns, while she couldn't deny it does feel good to help people she doesn't know if she would continue this line of work if she had a choice. A lot was taken from her because of this job and a lot more will be taken if she continues   

Spider-Woman jumps down a hole to save a little girl [Did you ever want to be anything else?] A little boy ran into the arms of Spider-woman [No, not really] Penny and Ned sit in her car just enjoying the silence [I'm where I'm supposed to be] Penny and Stephen hold onto two little girls smiling at each other

Penny smiles standing on top of a building watching a family reunite[My place is helping people] Penny sits on her sofa a bruised lip and eye but a smile watching the news [Working cases] Penny hugs a scared Morgan [That's all I want to do]  


I know it's short but I really like this! Let me know what memory you want to see next

Forgotten- watching memories  HPxMARVELWhere stories live. Discover now