Ice cream!

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Normal- when people in the hall are talking

Talking- When people in the memories are talking

Dialogue- What is happening in the memoires

Music- What's playing

[voice over]


The hall were talking in groups. Ginny, Ron, Fred and George were talking with team Iron Man, Bruce and Thor while Stephen was switching between watching the door waiting for Penny and May to walk back in and listening to the debate Fred and Tony were having 

He looked back at the door to see Penny walking in with May holding her shoulders. Her hair was up in a high pony, she changed into one of his sweatshirts, she was still wearing her blue jeans and shoes but he could tell from the dirt on them she ran outside. He silently stood not wanting to disturbed anyone and made his way towards the aunt and niece duo 

May nodded to him "Take care of her" she muttered smiling at him before making her way towards Happy and the others. Stephen took one look at Penny red eyes and pulled her into a hug "You did nothing wrong Pen" He whispered resting his chin on top of her head "He saved you because he loved you. It wasn't you fault" 

Penny wraps her arms around his waist hiding her face in his chest, she just wanted to be held for the moment. The two got many looks from people including Harry, James and Lily

"Look at them" James scoffed glaring at Stephen who was holding Rose "She shouldn't sully our blood with the likes of him" Harry said "She should marry a pureblood" Lily nodded in agreement with her son and husband. The three not even caring that James married Lily, who's a muggle born and had Harry and Penny who are half-bloods   

Soon enough Penny pulled away from Stephen but still kept one arm wrapped around his waist not wanting to fully pull away, sensing this, Stephen wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer as they walked to their seats "Alright everyone!" The voice said once they sat down 

"Now that Penny and May are back it's time for another memory. This is in the future!" The screen turned on the lights dimmed. Penny snuggled up to Stephen resting her head on his chest 

3-year-old May and Beverly were running around a playground with their friends. Penny and Stephen were sitting on a bench eating ice while watching the girls 

Stephen and Penny sat up at the sight of their children, small smiles making it way on their faces seeing the girls run around laughing 

Penny leans against her husband "How did we get so lucky?" She asked with a smile licking her ice cream cone "I have no idea, must have been a blessing" Stephen told her holding his ice cream while playing with her hair. Penny looks up at him smiling as she looks into his beautiful eyes  

"I love you" Penny muttered "I love you too" Stephen leaned his head down to kiss his wife when a hand snatches his ice cream cone from his hand and smutched in against his face making them jump back "May" 

May stood in front of her parents with a smirk holding the now ruined ice cream cone. Penny takes one look at her husband before laughing seeing chocolate ice cream covering his cheek

Everyone in the hall burst out laughing expect for Steve, Wanda, James, Harry, Lily, Molly and Dumbledore. Stephen stares in shock before looking at Penny who had giggling into his chest "Pen!" Penny looked up at him, her doe eyes shinning with happiness making his heart warm up "Never mind" he muttered 

"I want attention"  May stated making Stephen playfully glare at her "Oh do you little monkey?" May nodded not seeing the glint in her father eyes "Well then, come here" He scoped her up spinning her around making her scream and laugh   

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