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Y/N was like 14-15 years old she worked at the daisy mart with Devon, Y/N and Devon aren't close at all, they barely talk to each other.

Devon might have good looks but his looks didn't affect her. Wanna know why? Cause she like girls.

While she was sitting on the stool at the counter waiting for a customer to come in. She was bored but then she looked around the store  and spotted 4 people peaking.

Y/N looked at them confusingly but then their eyes widened as they ran away. Y/N shrugged it off and tried to find something entertaining.

Few customers came in it was an usual shift they serve customers do their usual stuff. Y/N went back to the counter and sat there till another customer come in.

An angry lady with a girl walked in. Y/N ooked at her and the girl confusingly. "Hey you! What have you done to my Mei Mei?!" She said.

She was looking at Y/N so that means she's talking to Y/N. "Uhm.. who?..." Y/N asked.

"Meilin Lee right here!" A kid said pointing at the girl who look in a panic. "I should report you to the police. How old are you? 20 25?" The lady said.

"Ma'am im 14..." She said, "See? See? This is what will happen if you don't wear sunblock and do drugs all day! She's just a sweet innocent child how dare you taken advantage of her?!" She said.

She then took out a paper and slam it onto the counter. Y/N looked over to see drawings of her and the girl she picked up the paper as a small blush appeared on her face.

She looked up to the girl who starts blushing more. The whole customer gather up and starts laughing at the girl.

They whispered and laugh while Y/N looked at the drawings then looked at the girl. "The daisy mart has lost a loyal customer!" The woman said as she drag the girl out of the store.

"Y/N you okay?" Devon asked as Y/N nodded slowly. She grabbed the drawings and fold it neatly and put it into her pocket.

Y/N is now processing what just happened, she kept looking at her pocket up and down. "Meilin Lee.." Y/N said quietly.

She took a deep breath and looked at the clock. It seems like her shift is over so she stood up and walked out from the daisy mart.

She went at home and sat on her bed and looked at her pocket. She took out the drawing unfold it and looked at it.

"Meilin Lee.." She said as she fold the paper and put it in her drawer. She laid on her bed and tried to go to sleep. She can't stop thinking about the girl actually.

She stare at the ceiling and picture the girl what she looks like. She starts thinking about her asking herself "Is she okay? "Is she alright?" "I wonder how is she"

She realized what she's thinking right now so she snapped out of it and grabbed her pillow and burry her face with it.

'Y/N what were you thinking?! Am I slowly liking this girl that fantasize you by creating those drawings?! Stop!' Y/N yelled on her thoughts.

She went back to her normal position and fell asleep, she woke up because of her alarm clock she got up and change to go to school.

She went to school as people looked at her while she looked confused. She looked at the wall to see the drawings.

Then someone walked in as she looked who it was. It was the girl yesterday. She was about to went up to her but then she ran away.

"This is going to be hard..." She said. As she went up to her locker and grabbed her books and went to class.

At lunch she spotted her. Y/N waved her hand and walked up to them but the girl snatched 3 girls and went somewhere.

She put her hand back and took a deep breath. 'Why am I chasing after her?.' Y/N thought as she walked away.

The next day she still cant stop thinking about the girl until she found one of the girls that she snatched away yesterday, she assumed that she's one of her friends.

Y/N went up to the ginger haired girl and tapped her shoulder. The girl looked back surprised.

"Uhm you need something." She asked, "Yes we need to talk.." Y/N said as she grabbed her arm and dragged her to the janitor closet.

"Look I want to talk to Meilin but I need your help. She's been avoiding me ever since that event happened at the daisy mart.." Y/N said.

"Why do you want to talk to her?" She said. "Well she made this drawings of me and her after that I cant stop thinking about her." She said as she took out an piece of paper that has drawings of her and the girl.

"So you like Mei?.." she said as Y/N nodded. A smile appeared on her face "Fine ill help you. My name is Miriam." She said.

They planned of what they are going to do to make Mei talk to Y/N. Two of her friends helped her too named Abby and Priya.

They planned everything out as they set up Mei. "Hey Mei!" Miriam said as Mei went up to her.

"Hi whats up?" She said, "Well uhm come with us." She said as she grabbed Mei's hand with her other friends.

They led her to the bathroom as Mei confusingly looked at her three friends, "Why am I here?" She asked.

"Wait here. We have an surprise for you just close your eyes!" Abby yelled.

Mei nodded as put her hand on her eyes. "Okay don't open it yet! Just give us a second!" Miriam said.

Mei's POV

I closed my eyes excitedly waiting for the surprise that they will show me. "Okay don't open it yet! Just give us a second!" Miriam said.

I heard the door opened as foot steps went closer to me. I felt someone pecked my lips as I opened my eyes to see Y/N.

I turned red as I put my hand on my mouth. I turned into a panda in instant. Y/N smiled at me. "You know Mei.. I like you." Y/N said as I turned redder than my panda.

"So what do you say Mei?" She said as I removed my hand from my mouth. I looked around to find a place to hide I sighed in defeat that I couldn't find one.

"I-I like you too..." I said as I turn into an human siting on a V shape.

Y/N went up to me grabbed me by my chin and kissed me again. We pulled back as I turned into a panda again. She chuckled which makes me soften a bit.

"So we're together now?" She said as I nodded. Miriam and Abby jumped and screamed and squealed together, Priya smiled a bit and said "Nice one"

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