\\Aaron Z

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My first kiss with you

Do you all still remember your childhood best friends? Do you ever wonder what they're doing right now?

Y/N is Aaron Z's child hood best friend, they were inseparable when they were younger, they'd do everything together.

When they were kids they had an crush for each other, cute isn't it? Aaron and Y/N swinging at the swings together happily they were talking about stuffs that they want to br someday.

"Hey Aaron! What do you want to be when you grow up?!" Y/N asked. "Hmm.. I want to be your husband!" He said they both laughed "What do you want to be when you grow up Y/N?" He asked.

"It depends actually I might change my mind when time passes by." Y/N said as she smiled at Aaron, He returned the smile back at her.

"Y/N what will you do when we get separated?" He asked her, "Hmm... I'll find a way to find you!" Y/N said, "Aaron, Y/N we have snacks come over here!" Arons mom said.

The two got off the swing and excitedly went up to their parents for snacks. Happy memories right? Will he ever forget those?


Y/N is playing outside of her house until she spotted Aarons parents put stuff on the car, she was assuming that they're going on an vaccination until she saw Aaron in crying.

Y/N stopped playing as she stood up and went up to Aaron, she put her hand on his shoulder, he looked at Y/N to see she has this worried look on her face.

"Hey Aaron.. why are you crying?" Y/N asked him "Me and my parents are moving away.. we were supposed to move in two months but we have to move away now. And I will never see you again.." he said.

Y/Ns eyes widened as tears formed on her eyes, "Do you really have to go?.." Y/N said with an pleading look on her face, she doesn't want him to move away too soon but she has to let him go.

"Mhm.. I-I.. will really miss you.." he said, Y/N burst out crying and hugged him really tight "No Aaron! Don't leave me! Don't move away! I don't want to waste another second without you!" Y/N cried as Aron returned the hug.

"Don't leave me please!" Y/N said, "I have no choice but to move away Y/N but.. I'll find you someday and I'll make sure that we won't get to be separated again." He said as Y/N let go of him.

"Do you promise?.." Y/N said as she wipes her tears away. "I promise.." he said. "Pinky promise?.." Y/N said as she hand out her pinky finger to him.

"*Chuckle* pinky promise." He said as both of them do the pinky promise {since the author doesn't know what kind of movement is pinky promise so they got frustrated and google it but google was brainless as her.}

They hugged each other again as Aaron walked away and went up to the car. But then he stopped and turned back and ran to Y/N and hugged her again.

"Before I go I have something to tell you.." he said as he let go of her "What is it?" Y/N asked, "I...I like.. no.. I love you." He confessed, Y/Ns eyes widened "I... love you too.. for an long time now.." Y/N confessed.

"Really...?" He said as Y/N nodded slowly "And also I wanted to give you this.." He said which makes Y/N a bit happy.

"What is it?.." Y/N asked, "This." He said as he cupped Y/Ns cheeks and peck her on the lips. He smiled and let go of Y/N.

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