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Panic attacks

Y/N is an forgettable person and get distracted all the time, she's an airhead sometimes her thoughts are always full every time.

She's friends with Mei, Miriam, Abby, and lastly Priya, Priya always have the same expression everyday which made people think that she has no face muscles.

It's true tho, she seemed like she doesn't care of the situation even tho it's serious she still kept that dull expression of hers.

Y/N liked Priya for an long time but she pushed that feeling away because she's forgettable but that feeling kept bothering her. She just ignored it.

Mei had this ability to turn into a red panda which Y/N found lovable, they want to go to an concert called 4-town.

They made an vow to be an 4-townie forever, they start planning to save up money to go to the concert by using Mei's panda.

Right now Y/N and the others are at the bleachers sitting, Y/N is looking at the sky trying to figure of what shape is that cloud.

Mei and the others starts flirting with the boys that plays basketball, Y/N cringed at their pickup lines so she decided not to pay attention to them.

Y/N was too focus at looking at the sky until somebody starts shaking her, "Y/N!" Mei yelled, "Hm? What?"

"We've been calling your name again and again." Miriam said, "Oh.. I didn't pay attention because I cringed at your pickup lines Mei. Sorry next time I'll pay attention." Y/N said.

Miriam and Abbys cheeks puffed trying not to laugh at Mei.

Yep she's completely an air head, she would say things that came into her head without hesitation.

Mei's eye twitch she turned into a panda in a second, "Is there something I said wrong?" Y/N said confusingly.

Mei then took deep breaths and closed her eyes and calm down, she smiled at Y/N and sighed, "Your common sense is always not here Y/N." She said.

"Anyways, anyways. Good news! Tyler offered us 200 dollars if we go to his birthday party with my panda! We can now reach our goal!" Mei said as Y/N smiled.

They all went to the party everyone seemed bored Y/N and the others look worried but Mei arrived with an cardboard panda costume.

Everyone was about to walk out but Mei saved the party, they all had fun Mei dragged Y/N to the dance floor which Y/N didn't like.

She hate crowded places it gives her an hard time to breathe when theres a lot of  people getting close to her.

She looked around panting but then she spotted Priya dancing with an Emo Gurl which made her panic attack even worse.

Y/N panted but then Priya looked over to Y/N, Y/N panted and ran to the bathroom. She breathed heavily but then the door opened.

"Hey hey! Are you okay?! What's wrong?!" She said, she seemed worried she has this worried expression for once.

"I- I think I am having an panic attack!" Y/N said as tears formed into her eyes, Priya looked around if there's something that could help.

She looked back at Y/N and slammed her lips into hers, they kissed for a few seconds after they pulled back Y/N put her hand on her mouth.

She then turned red, "Why did you do that?!" Y/N said, "I read an article saying that if your having a panic attack hold your breath to stop it so I kissed you and you held your breath." She explained.

"Th-thank you.. I guess.." Y/N said, "Come on let's go somewhere peaceful since you don't like crowded places." Priya said with a small smile on her face.

She stood up and helped Y/N to stand up, The two walked out from the bathroom, they were about to go outside but then Mei spotted them.

"Priya! Y/N where are you two going?" She said, "Y/N doesn't like crowded places so I had to accompany her." Priya said as the two of them walked outside.

Y/N didn't notice that Priya was holding her hand she was to distracted looking at the moon.

"Hey Pri," Y/N said, "Hmm?" She responded, "The moon is beautiful isn't it?" Y/N said. Priya froze but continued to walk anyways.

"Yea, it's indeed beautiful." Priya said, If you say "The moon is beautiful isn't it?" to someone it means I love you.

"I've always love you Priya." Y/N said out of blue, Priya stopped and froze at the spot. "I.. love you too..." She said.

"Did you say something?" Y/N said completely forgotten what she said earlier, "No.. Let's just go.." Priya said.

Stupid of Y/N right? She almost had a chance with her but she completely forgotten what she just said.


Fun fact:
Y/N's personality on this one-shot is actually similar to mine.

I say things that comes into my mind, some people find it rude and I'll just stood there confused.

My friend told me that I was being rude and I shouldn't say my thoughts to anyone.

This is really short it only has 896 words.

Anyways hope you like this one-shot!
Love you💖

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