Chapter 5

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The feeling of being watched can be unnerving...

Chapter 5

Snowflakes fell in soft dancing swirls, brightening the tones of the dark forest in white. The wheels of the cart crunched over the uneven and icy ground, rattling my bones with every jolt. What had once been a comforting sound through the day, set my teeth on edge now. How could humans enjoy travelling while making so much noise, announcing their presence to every creature for miles?

With no use of lantern to light our way, the gentle winds felt even colder in the dark, each gust stinging my skin as if a thousand needles pierced through my cloak. I shivered beneath the blanket, wiggling my toes in my boots to stave of numbness. More than once, my eyes trailed over to the Alpha riding next to the cart, remembering how warm he had been, but pride kept me from asking to return to him no matter how hard I had to clench my jaw to stop my teeth from chattering.

And we had hours of travel yet to go.
Letting out a whoosh of air, I watched the grey ploom billow in front of my face.

Farrin chuckled and turned to peer down at me from his bench. His face was red from the chill but he seemed otherwise unbothered. Raking about by his feet, he stretched over to offer me a waterskin.

“Drink. It will chase off the cold.”
Fumbling with frozen fingers, I pried at the wooden cap then resorted to using my teeth. It popped open, and my nose was immediately assaulted by a strong, burning scent.

Not water.


I shook my head and tried to press the cap back in. “I do not drink.”

Had never touched a drop in fact. Not even at the pack gatherings where mead and ale were always happily shared.

Farrin scoffed. “Now is the time to start.”

Lips pursed, I stared at the bag and then looked up to see the Alpha watching me. Orange eyes glowed brightly, and a challenging smirk tilted the corner of his lips before he gruffly spoke, “I’d accept Farrin’s advice, Little Alpha. You’re beginning to turn blue and I would very much hate to return you to your family as a frozen corpse.”

Even my anger didn’t burn as brightly as I dared to glare up at the male offering sanctuary and safety. He spoke so harshly all the time. Why would anyone flock to him as a leader?

Simply because I believed he thought I’d refuse again, I tipped my head back and took a swig of liquid that scorched its way down my throat. I choked, spilling some down my chin but I forced myself to drink until the Alpha jerked his head with a frown, signalling that I’d had enough.
Wiping my mouth dry with the sleeve of my dress, I handed it back to Farrin. He winked.

“Feel better?”

My insides felt warmer for sure but my stomach wasn’t pleased, churning and threatening to bring up everything I’d eaten. Groaning, I tucked myself back into my cloak, snuggling into the hay beneath me.

“I feel a little better but a fire would-“


Once more I glared at the Alpha, this time for cutting me off. Thinking it was because I’d already complained about craving the warmth of the fire this morning, I was surprised to see his attention wasn’t even on me, but the road ahead.

Farrin pulled the cart to a halt and I held my breath, watching the Alpha closely. His hand was still held up to keep us quiet, his head turning slowly towards the forest on our right, cocked slightly as if he was listening for something. I could hear nothing out of the ordinary; only the usual scuffle of nocturnal animals in the undergrowth and bats occasionally fluttering overhead.

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