Chapter 24

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So I had planned on there only being two chapters left but (including this one) there's now three, so the next update will be a double update.

Are you brave enough to follow?

Chapter 24

"You aren't Vargr," I said as Farrin and Astrid followed Beta Caldar into the hall. It was meant to be a gentle joke but my voice came out tight with anxiety, betraying my facade at calm.

"No, I'm not," Farrin agreed, giving me a wicked grin. "But I know how to fight Vargr, I'm one of the few wolves Hati would trust you to be alone with, and I know exactly where he was headed. So sorry, but your stuck with a mere mortal, pup."

I made a face. I too was just a mere mortal, wasn't I? Hati was the immortal one.

It struck me like lightening then, the realisation that Hati didn't age as I did. That he would potentially outlive me by centuries. There wasn't enough time to allow myself to react as Astrid's teeth clicked audibly together and she scowled up at her mate. "She would be stuck with me too if you'd stop being stubborn. Take me with you. Please. He's my cousin."

"Don't be too hard on him. I need you here," Calder insisted, placing a calming hand on her shoulder as a look was shared between him and Farrin.

Pleading blue eyes looked my way and I felt guilty as I lowered my gaze. Astrid had spoken on my behalf many times, and I understood she wished for me to do the same for her now, but I couldn't. As much as she might wish to help search for her cousin, and keep an eye on me while staying with her mate, she couldn't.

"He's right. The pack will be in need of someone to keep the peace and keep eyes diverted." I shifted on my feet as the weight of her disappointed settled on my shoulders, but Astrid wasn't a silly wolf. She'd see we were right, if she didn't know so already.

Her silence told me she did, or I suspected she'd put up a further fight. Instead she sighed and folded her arms, glancing at Hati's empty chair as I'd been doing half the night.

"When you find my cousin, give the back of his head a whack for me."

Pulling her into my arms, I pressed my cheek to her wind chilled one and promised, "I will. Then I'll bring him back so you can do so too."

She seemed please with that.

"Is it just us two then?" I asked, feeling a little disconcerted.

Caldar motioned towards the door. "No. The fastest of our scouts are waiting outside. Two are Vargr-"

"All but pups themselves," Astrid muttered. "We didn't think the council would appreciate taking the strongest away from the castle if there's a chance something is happening."

Disdain coated her tone, and I couldn't blame her. While I wouldn't be surprised if the castle came under attack while Hati was missing, the council didn't seem to see the same dangers. I'd only just managed to convince them that Hati hadn't gone for a midnight stroll. Unless he had. . .but no. As the hour got ever later, I grew more certain he wasn't staying away of his own volition.

"We'll run as one group to the South-East border and see what we can find. We may need to split up into pairs, which will give us three swift groups searching the forest. If he's out there, we'll find him in no time." Caldar tipped his head, his gaze trying to catch mine but I knew if he did, he'd try and get me to give my word I'd come back before morning whether I found anything or not.

Pushing past Astrid, I strode for the door with grim determination. "We've wasted enough time. I want to get going now."

Nobody tried to stop me, but Caldar's commanding voice followed my escape. "Farrin is in charge, Eabha. We're breaking enough rules letting you go at all as it is!"

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