Chapter 17

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Early update!
It'll be back to Sundays next week

This was meant to be a standalone but I've just surpassed 105k words so it looks like this might stretch to a second book!

Chapter 17

The braid bounced against the bottom of my back with each hasty step, and each time it did, I caught myself thinking someone was tapping me for my attention. Astrid giggled as my head swivelled round again. It would be easily undone. The strip of cloth holding it together would slide off easily enough, but I wanted to see Hati's face when he saw I'd done as he asked for once.

"I can find my way from here," I said, spotting the familiar hallway that led to the main doors.

"I don't mind coming with you," she said.

Shaking my head, I took a few more steps. "It's alright. I'm sure you have loads to do."

I didn't have the heart to tell her I didn't want to be accompanied like a pup. The impression I made today was important, and it had to go better than every other opportunity I'd had to show the pack who I was.

Not offended by my refusal of her company, she smiled. "You will do fine."

I hoped so.

Straightening my shoulders, I strode across the stone floor with the swish of my dress filling the still air. Outside was a different story. A harsh wind swept through the courtyard as I made my way to the wooden hall. The sun was blinding, glinting off the bright white snow that remained unmuddied by the passing of wolves. I paused at the doors, hearing the mumble of voices droning on. I knew I wasn't late, Astrid had made sure to usher me out in good time, but the shut doors felt like a barrier.

A warning to keep out.

The wolves on guard at the gate and milling about made me feel no better. I could feel them group together, watching, and from the electric charge rushing over my skin, I could tell they were members of the Vargr. Hati had his best protecting the walls today.

Snow crunched behind me, and I spun to see two females making their way towards me. The elder stood tall, long mouse brown hair braided back in much the same style as mine. She appeared about my mother's age, and walked with the surety all dominant wolves had. The other female had her face lowered so loose tresses of the same colour shadowed her face. I knew who she was anyway, Linnea. And as Caldar had told me the female had been on the list of potential mates to Hati because of her mother, I could guess who the other female was too.

For all they looked alike, their scents the same sweet lime tree fragrance, the way they held themselves was entirely different. Linnea's mother nudged her pup and her head flew up, dark eyes widening as Linnea finally acknowledged me.

"Eabha," she squeaked, and I felt even more sorry for the shy female as her mother cast her a disgruntled look.

"It's nice to see you again," I said, offering a smile to them both.

Linnea bobbed her head, and had to be prompted again to offer an introduction.

"This is my mother, Loa. She sits on council too."

I stepped in to greet the new female, lowering my cheek to hers. For a brief moment, I worried she might be able to smell Hati on me, but she gave nothing away if she did. She eyed the door and then me with a smile that only tilted up on one side.

"There will be shouting and growling aplenty, but we don't bite," she assured me. "Will you walk in with me? It shall be us two females in a sea of peacocking males. We will need each other."

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