Chapter 26

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Final Chapter is Here!
Once again, thank you so much to all my readers, old and new, quiet and avid commenters. Your support means the world to me.

This story was a step in a bit of a new direction, with a lot of research into mythology, finding ways to weave that in (even in ways you might not catch until you read it again *winks*), keeping the air of mystery, balancing the horror with the romance. I'm glad I finally decided to share it.

I hope you've all fallen in love with this cast of characters as much as I have.

Chapter 26

I barely felt the warmth of the small wooden bowl cupped in my freezing hands. Steam carried the heady scent of vegetable broth to my nose, a food I would usually scarf down, but couldn't find any desire for it at that moment. My stomach was too twisted to keep anything down, even though hunger might have been half the reason it ached as I fought back a yawn.

The soft bristles of my favourite pelt stroked my cheek as I glanced towards the fire, and I was deaf to the commotion around me as I sought what little comfort I could.

Beta Caldar didn't look interested in Hati's rage either. He sat twirling his dirk idly on the table while our Alpha went between berating he and Farrin for letting me join the scouts - as if they had a real choice - and the fact he 'allowed' Skoll to take him in the first place.

As if he'd had any choice in that either, I mused.

I was more concerned with the retaliation that was sure to come. Hati had been trying to play on Skoll's offer of peace, and I'd set it alight. I couldn't hold my tongue or curb my temper long enough to play the game. Gerlac and Ingrid would be disappointed with me; if everyone wasn't already disappointed with me already. Hati had barely looked at me since we began the long run home and by the time we reached the border, the following night had crept in. A thick frost that clung to my fur, melted, and then frozen again before I could seek out heat by the fire.

Word had been given to the council of our return, but they were given no explanation; something that was promised at the meeting set for the evening after Hati and I had a chance to rest. Or at least, I would. Between Hati's rants and promises of discipline, he seemed determined to solve our every issue before he so much as thought about touching his own food or sleeping.

"I didn't even have time to properly check for a scent," he muttered, pacing along the edge of the table while scolding his own actions. "We need to find out who Skoll has corrupted in the pack. They're getting messages to each other somehow; I want to know who's been seen leaving the castle alone. Gather those who've been on nightwatch. I want to speak with them now."

"You need to go see Eirny," I murmured, not for the first time, as Hati's hand yet again pressed against his abdomen.

His grimace turned into a snarl at my words but I barely blinked at his reaction. Caldar did though, stabbing his dirk into the table with a growl.

"Eabha is right, questioning wolves can wait. Don't let Skoll get to you in this way. She doesn't deserve your anger. Direct it where it needs to go, or better yet, deal with it and move on. It wasn't your fault you were overpowered, it isn't your fault we haven't found the spies amongst us yet, nor that Eabha was in danger. Be proud of how she handled herself and be grateful your brother is such an arrogant fool that he let enough slip. We might be able to play him as he has us if we can find the spy without them knowing they've ben discovered. He offered us months to prepare, that's months of false information we can give him."

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