Chapter 6

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Who is keeping the bigger secret?

Chapter 6

It turned out we hadn't wandered too far from the road, but my leg throbbed from tearing through the woods and it took us longer than it should have to get back; which only furthered my frustration. The more I became unable to hide my limp, the more the Alpha watched me with burning eyes that seared my skin.

"You are in pain, perhaps you should stay with Farrin, and I will find your pack. You can trust it won't take me long and that I will see them all safely returned to you."

I shook my head and marched on. "They don't know you. They won't know to trust you. I must go too."

"You could tell me something only you would know-"

"No." Looking sharply up at him, I was sure my eyes blazed with the golden hue of my wolf. "I'm going. My leg will be fine."

At first his jaw clicked, and I wondered if he had grown used to having none talk back to him as Alpha of such a mighty pack. But there was a glimmer of respect too as he bowed his head and remained silent the rest of our walk.

We met Farrin not far down the road from the port village. He leaned against the cart with both horses while he ate from a steaming bowl. Sweet and homely, the scent made my mouth water and I wondered if the innkeeper had been kinder to him than to me.

"Glad to see you're alright," he greeted. "I'm sorry your pack wasn't there."

All I could do was grunt in acknowledgement, tugging at the length of my dress as soon as I was within reach of the cart. I chucked it, along with my cloak and boots, into the back, then flung the stockings over too so I stood with skin bared to the early winter chill. Goosebumps rose immediately and I couldn't suppress a shudder as I turned to face the two males. Farrin said nothing, continuing to eat slowly while keeping his eyes averted.

The action struck me as odd.

I'd seen the males back at their castle walking around with not a stitch on, and most wolves took great pride in showing off their skin as much as their fur. He was a mated male though, and perhaps it was out of respect for his mate rather than me. Only Alpha Hati let his eyes wander, with no sign of anything other than disapproval at what he saw, especially as bright sunkissed eyes lingered on my bruised leg.

I worried he might ask me to stay behind again, and as much as part of me might have wished to - as exhaustion was only growing to be a heavier burden the more I pushed on - I knew I was right. The pack would need to see my face or they might not follow an unknown male whether he claimed to know me or not.

"They won't have strayed far from the road because they know I would come back this way," I said, staring at the still fully clothed Alpha. "They'll have wanted to stay somewhere I'd easily find them."

A slight smile tilted the corner of his lips as he shared a glance with Farrin. "Stay here with the horses. We will be back before the setting of the sun."

"What shall I do if you are not?" Farrin asked, and my heart clenched at the very thought.

"We will be."

The confidence in the Alpha's words fuelled my own.

Farrin bowed his head and tilted it to bare his neck, a show of submission that appeared to appease the tension my own refusal to submit earlier had brought on the Alpha. When he leaned in to brush his cheek to Farrin's, I was annoyed that the more instinctual part of myself appreciated his ability to show affection to his pack.

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