Glossary/Pronunciation Guide

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The Gàidhlig language has become a really important part of my day to day life, and I love being able to share it with you all, even if it's only a few phrases and names.
I highly recommend trying your hand at learning!

If there's any other words or phrases you'd like added, leave a comment and I'll get round to it :)


Eabha ~ Ae-va
Fionnlagh ~ Fee-on-lah
Seumas ~ shae-mis
Niamh ~ Neev
Loaghaire ~ Lee-uh-ree
Tabhin ~ Tav-in
Oighrig -oy-rig

Hati ~ Ha-tay
Magne ~ mug-neh
Ulli ~ Oo-lee


Alba ~ Al-uh-ba (Scotland)
Nirribhidh ~ Nir-i-vig (Norway)
Èireann ~ ae-rin (Ireland)
A' Chuimrigh ~ ah choom-ree (Wales)*
Ásgarðr ~ as-gard-er (Asgard)

Terms of endearment etc:

An nighean agam - my daughter (an nee-uhn akum)
A ghraidh - love (a ghr-eye)
M' eudail - my darling (may-dal)


Ciamar a tha thu - how are you? (Cimmer a ha oo)
Oidhche mhath - goodnight (oi-keh vah)*
Mo mhallachd ort - curse you (mow vall-achk orsht)*


Cailleach - witch in celtic mythology (cal-ich) *
Bana-bhuidseach - witch (bana vood-shoch) *
Völva - witch/seeress in norse culture
Seidr - magic (say-der)
Vargr - wolves from the realms of the Norse gods (Varg-er)

* The 'ch' sound isn't like the ch in the word chain, but the ch you hear at the end of the Scots word loch

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