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[minjun is felix's character and haneul is hyunjin's]

the scene that hyunjin and felix were about to film made both of them extremely nervous.

you may be wondering, what could possibly make the two of them that nervous? a kissing scene.

not just any old kissing scene, but an intimate one. but not a sex scene, so that was a little reassuring.

the director had the two of them on either side of the set, hyunjin reading a book while felix was outside of the fake door, waiting for the signal to walk in.


they started filming, the main focus on haneul. the book he was reading was about the supernatural, and he seemed to be pretty interested in it.

he was sat at a desk, feet propped up on top of it. on his face laid a few scars from running and fighting a few hours before. it was crazy how much shit was here at the place they had been stranded.

it sounds crazy when you say it, but there were things trying to kill them around every corner, which is why he had so many scars to begin with. minjun, a boy who he had gotten stuck her with, could protect himself, but not always, so haneul usually ended up fending shit off.

minjun knocked on the door before he walked in, slowly making his way over to the taller boy, a glare on his face.

haneul noticed and closed his book, setting it on top of the desk before he got up, smiling at the blonde boy. however, he wasn't expecting to get scolded by the shorter boy.

a few hours ago, he had risked his life for what seemed to be the tenth time since they had gotten stuck in this place. "you can't just run off into danger like that." minjun said sternly and haneul pursed his lips, crossing his arms over his chest.

"do you realize how fucking dangerous this shit is? you're going to get yourself killed." haneul smirked at this, looking down at the riled up blonde.

"why do you care so much, anyway?" haneul grumbled, turning around to go back to his desk. minjun huffed, turning away from him. "you don't perhaps have a... crush, do you?" haneul asked in a teasing way, not expecting to see red cheeks when he turned around.

he stopped what he was doing, noticing how the boy was avoiding eye contact. "oh." he breathed out, a small smile on his face. "i see."

minjun met his eyes and quickly turned around. "you know what? would you look at the time—." before he could even think about leaving the room, haneul grabbed his arm, pulling him back. "wait."

minjun pursed his lips, his cheeks still stained pink. he refused to look at him, though. "hey. turn around." haneul said, tugging on his arm a little in an attempt to turn him around. minjun let out a sharp breath before turning around, still not looking at the boy. he instead looked at the letters showcased on the taller boy's shirt.

haneul sighed. "look at me." minjun hesitated before he looked up, looking into the boys eyes. haneul smiled softly, reaching his hand up and resting it on the boy's freckled cheek. "is this okay?"

minjun felt his cheeks heat up more as he nodded. "y-yeah." he knew what the boy was about to do. haneul started to lean in, stopping right before his lips met minjun's, waiting for consent. minjun rolled his eyes and closed the space between them.

the kiss was short and sweet, minjun pulling away almost as soon as he had kissed him. the two of them looked into each others eyes, big smiles of their faces.

haneul leaned back in, this time the kiss was a little more passionate. minjun wrapped his hands around his neck while haneul rested his hands around his waist. minjun stood on the tips of his toes so that he could reach his lips easier.

their lips seemed to fit perfectly, almost as if they were meant for this.

haneul pulled away this time, moving down to softly kiss his neck. minjun tensed at the sudden touch but soon melted into his embrace, leaning his head against his chest while the boy's lips moved down his neck. eventually, he placed a light kiss on his adam's apple before he pulled away, moving minjuns hair away from his eyes.

minjun was addicted to his lips already, desperately wanting more. he whined and tried to steal another kiss, only to be met with the palm of haneul's hand. "hang on." he smiled at him once again.

minjun huffed in annoyance, resting his forehead on his shoulder. haneul laughed at the way the boy was acting before he lifted his chin up, forcing him to look at him. "i was just kidding." he pushed their lips together once again, rougher this time.

their lips moved quickly, both of them desperate for the others touch. haneul eventually picked the smaller boy up by his thighs, minjun instinctively wrapping his legs around the boys waist. neither of them dared to pull away from the other.

haneul brought him over to the couch that was in the room, gently laying him onto it, making sure not to hurt him in any way. he pulled away momentarily to take off his jacket, minjun frowning at this.

however, he quickly latched onto his lips again, slowly making his way down to his neck, kissing and nibbling on it. minjun let out a quiet moan before the scene ended with the camera panning upwards.


"cut!" the two boys moved away from each other, subtle blushes on both of their cheeks. "that was great! i think we've got it!" the director complimented, clapping her hands. the cameramen surrounding her clapped as well, one of them giving both boys a thumbs up.

"that's a wrap for today! go get some rest so we can finish filming early tomorrow." the two boys nodded and went separate ways, but not before smiling at each other.

"8 AM tomorrow, boys!"

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