Chapter 19: Tip of the Talon

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Zatanna's POV:

I stormed down the stairs and into the kitchen. I'm beyond pissed at (Y/n). How could he? After everything we've been through in the last week, we finally get a break and what does he do? He brings his dumb watch and now is going to get sent away on some secret mission for Batman or some suit in Washington!

I was alone in the kitchen until I was joined by Artemis and M'gann. They immediately noticed my anger and grew concerned.

Artemis: "Zatanna, what's wrong? Are you alright?"

I didn't answer and just stared down at my glass of water. Why would he do this?

M'gann: "Zatanna... talk to us."

Zatanna: "It's (Y/n). It's our one week off after the worst week of our lives and he brings his dumb watch and got a "priority message" and now he's going to leave and do some special mission for Batman or the Division and leave us... when we finally got a chance to relax he's going to leave!"

Artemis: "Maybe it's nothing. Maybe it's just-"

Zatanna: "NO! The way he looked at that damn watch when he heard the alert! He knows it's important and he's going to leave!"

Artemis moved forward and hugged me and I almost threw myself at her.

Artemis: "It's going to be alright. I'm sure it will all work out."

(Y/n): "Zee. It's not a mission. I'm not leaving."

3rd person POV:

Zatanna turned to face (Y/n). He seemed sad and she picked up on it instantly. She grew more concerned as she left Artemis's embrace.

(Y/n): "I'm so sorry..."

Zatanna: "What's wrong. What was it about?"

The rest of the team made their way into the kitchen and picked up on the depressing tone in the kitchen. It stopped their laughs and they all waited in silence for (Y/n) to speak.

(Y/n): "I don't really know all the details... I'm not sure I want to know, but something is happening and it involves the Division. Kelso said she needs my help but to wait until she contacts me in person. She said we're going to have to work together and that I'll need to trust the League... but that's not all..."

Dick: "What else?"

Wally: "Hey we're all here to help you."

Conner: "You know we will all follow you into a fight in a heartbeat."

(Y/n) finally built up the courage to speak but couldn't make eye contact with his friends.

(Y/n): "With Kelso's injuries the Division needs a leader in the field, you're looking at the new acting commander of the Strategic Homeland Division."

The team was speechless which caused (Y/n) to lightly laugh as not a lot could make Wally speechless for longer than a few seconds. As the team started at their friend who's now the leader of a secret government agency, (Y/n) simply turned and looked out the large glass window that made up the entire kitchen wall. He looked out at the mountain landscape and admired the snowy wilderness and the steep cliff that dropped almost straight down a mere three feet from the widow. He was happy that his friends knew the truth, or at least knew as much of it as he did.

Out on the mountain facing the lodge a group of three individuals stood on the opposite cliff, slightly lower than the one the lodge sat on. Each with a pair of binoculars. The two males stood in black winter coats with grey winter pants and boots. While the female stood in a white winter coat and the same style of grey winter pants and boots. All three had their hoods up and on their face, white masks that concealed their entire face with the nose piece shaped to look like an owl's beak.

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