Chapter 26: Project Mockingbird

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3rd Person POV:

February 27th

Batgirl and Robin walk into the main area of the Cave. Nightwing is standing alone, working on the holographic display and deep in thought.

Robin begins reading some of the various tabs Nightwing has opened and they immediately peak his interest. Batgirl is far more concerned with how much Nightwing has thrown himself into whatever he's investigating.

Robin: "Wait. What's Project Mockingbird?"

Nightwing doesn't turn around or acknowledge the presence of the other crime fighters at first. Batgirl places her hand on his shoulder and immediately notices how worried he is.

Batgirl: "Nightwing.... What's wrong?"

Nightwing: "Look."

Nightwing then shows them what he's analyzing on the computer.

Nightwing: "All of these shipping orders and requests from the SHD. (Y/n) is moving an alarming amount of resources all around the world and one code name is linking them all."

Robin: "What?"

Nightwing: "Project Mockingbird."

Batgirl: "Do you have any idea where the resources are going?"

Nightwing: "No. All we have is the intercepted communications, and we can only intercept the communications because the Caves computer and Batcomputer can't decrypt anything else on the SHD servers."

Batgirl: "We could just ask (Y/n)."

Nightwing: "No. I'm not sure what he's hiding but I don't know if we can trust him at the moment. Not until he reveals what he's working on."

Nightwing thinks for a moment before turning around to face Robin.

Nightwing: "(Y/n) and Zatanna are going out for lunch today, Wally and Artemis are joining them. Watch them and listen in on their conversation. See if (Y/n) reveals anything about Project Mockingbird."

Batgirl: "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

Nightwing: "No, but we need answers. It looks like everyone knows what's going on but us and I don't like it."

Batgirl: "Yeah, but if (Y/n) finds out we are spying on him, it will destroy any trust he has for us and possibly your friendship."

Nightwing thought about this and then made his decision. It wasn't a decision he made lightly but with the voice of Batman in his head raging against his own, he needed to decide what kind of leader he was going to be. Batman would push him to sacrifice everything for the sake of the mission, to abandon friends and family if they stood in the way.

In that split second Nightwing decided to act on what he told Black Canary almost a year ago. He decided that he's not going to become Batman. He might not be a better hero but he will be a better person and a better friend.

Nightwing: "You're right... we shouldn't do this. I'll just have to trust (Y/n) and hope he knows what he's doing."


(Y/n) POV:

Zatanna and I are on our way to meet Artemis and Wally at a small cafe in Palo Alto. Zatanna hasn't stopped talking about it since Artemis asked her if we'd be interested in going. She and Artemis have planned out the whole day, lunch, shopping, dinner and then a movie. To say she's extremely excited would be an understatement.

Zatanna: "Come on, we're going to be late."

(Y/n): "Zee we are almost there, it's just around the corner."

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