Chapter 34: Repercussions

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3rd Person POV:

Kandel was busy cursing out (Y/n) as the two ran through the halls of Washington General. She already had a busy schedule and (Y/n) threw a wrench into it by bringing half of the Justice League and almost all of the Team there. That doesn't even include all of the JTF personal and Division agents that arrived with them to provide additional security for the injured heroes.

Kandel: "You know maybe, just maybe you could have called ahead!"

(Y/n): "Oh yeah, because that would've made this go over so much better. What would I have said? Hey Kandel, I started a war that the president doesn't want the world to know about so it's a complete secret and you can't tell anyone. By the way, I have half of the Justice League and their sidekicks with me and we're coming to your ER."

Kandel: "Anything would've been better than showing up on my break! And what's this I heard about you being kidnapped?!"

(Y/n): "It's part of a really long story that I'll get into later."

Kandel sighed and opened the door to Zatanna's room. The magician was laying in the hospital bed with her right leg elevated and wrapped in a cast. The two stood in the doorway as Kandel went over her paperwork on a clipboard.

Kandel: "It's just a minor fracture. Based on what was described to me it should be a lot worse, but I think her magic prevented most of the damage. She should be fine to walk normally in two weeks."

(Y/n): "Thanks Kandel."

Kandel: "Go. Be with her. And for god's sake, get some rest. I promised Kelso that I'd look after you two."

(Y/n): "I'm going to change and then I'll stay with her. I need to get this gear off, it's covered in dust."

Kandel: "And blood. Seriously, it's a miracle you've survived this long."

(Y/n): "What can I say, I'm a professional."

Kandel: "Now I understand why Zatanna said she wants to hit you sometimes."

Their conversation was interrupted by ISAC. (Y/n) had come to heavily rely upon the computer in recent days.

ISAC: "Incoming United Nations transmission."

(Y/n): "Fucking Tseng. Guy has to be the worst Secretary General ever."

Kandel: "For your sake, try to play nice. You kinda started a war."

(Y/n) let out a massive sigh before answering the Secretary General's call. He was immediately greeted by the voice of the seasoned politician and he didn't seem happy.

Tseng: "Director (L/n)!"

(Y/n): "What a pleasure, Mr. Secretary. You must know I'm very busy so what can I do for you?"

Tseng: "Oh my bad. You are busy. Busy attacking refugee ships!"

(Y/n): "Excuse me?"

Tseng: "The Reach Ambassador has just told me that a large fleet of Warships, decimated Reach refugee transports."

(Y/n): "Right. Well Tseng, refugee ships don't hide underwater and they certainly don't launch a preemptive strike on a naval formation. Those ships were everything but civilian in nature. And-"

Tseng: "YOU BETTER BE RIGHT! The Ambassador has asked for a formal apology from the United Nations and for your Joint Task Force to be disbanded! He's taking his demands to national television as we speak!"

(Y/n): "Look, I don't answer to you and I certainly don't respect you. The JTF acted lawfully and in self defence."

Tseng: "I've put a request to your president that you come and testify to that in a closed door session of the world court. Representatives from the Reach, the Justice League and every security council nation will be present."

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