Chapter 38: Recovery

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(Y/n) POV:

We arrived back at Wally and Artemis's home after a brief three days in the hospital. Kandel only let us go after I promised to keep everyone off missions for the foreseeable future. I think we both know that will never happen but I can at least keep us benched for a week, maybe two.

Wally managed to get Artemis into bed against her will. Despite her protest she passed out the instant she was back in her own bed.

Dick, Barbara, Conner, M'gann, Zatanna and I are spread throughout the main floor. I'm constantly getting up and looking outside the window for any sign of someone working for the Light. I can't help it, I just feel like they will retaliate.

I almost jumped when Zatanna snuck up behind me and wrapped her arms around my chest, pushing herself into my back.

Zatanna: "It's okay. No one is going to hurt us here."

A flash of lightning lit up the night sky followed by thunder and rain swiftly after. The sudden downpour of rain obscured my vision outside.

I was about to let Zatanna pull me away from the window when I saw a car pull up out front. I can't clearly see the vehicle but I can tell two people stepped out of it. One has a crutch and the other is helping them walk. The pair made their way up to the front door and I drew my pistol before moving to open the door.

Zatanna and Dick tried to get me to wear something comfortable as opposed to my combat shirt and pants before leaving the hospital. Now I'm glad I didn't listen. I still have my holster on but not my vest or anything else from my kit.

I quickly took my handgun out and the others started to get up from the couches and chairs we were spread out on.

We'd spent most of the night trying to find Black Manta and Kaldur only for Ortega to call me and say that he was "handling it". Whatever that means.

I opened the door carefully and aimed my gun at the two figures standing before me.

As soon as I aimed my gun I ended up lowering it in shock.

Kelso: "Hey kid, got your long lost friend here."

(Y/n): "Kaldur!"

Everyone rushed to the front door. We all lunged at Kaldur and we group hugged him while pulling him into the house. Kelso was quick to slip to the side and out of the way while laughing.

We brought Kaldur into the living room and helped him sit down on the couch. Kelso shut the door and took a seat at the kitchen table, letting out an exhausted sigh as she leaned back.

Kaldur: "Artemis... is she okay?"

Dick: "She's alright. She's sleeping with Wally upstairs."

Kaldur seemed much more relaxed knowing that Artemis was alive and safe. We spent the night welcoming him back and everyone had a mountain of questions for him. I took a few steps back and watched from the entrance to the kitchen. Everyone seems so happy to have him back. I'm happy too but I can't get the guilt out of my head. I tried to kill him, I wanted him dead and I came close to killing him multiple times. I was so filled with rage towards him but he was just trying to save everyone he cares about.

I eventually pried my gaze away from my family and moved back to the kitchen to get a drink.

Kelso: "I thought you'd be in there with everyone."

(Y/n): "He's probably really tired and everyone else is talking. I'll spend time with them soon."

Kelso: "What's wrong?"

(Y/n): "Nothing."

I took a water bottle out from the fridge and sighed while taking a seat across from Kelso.

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