Christmas in the Cave: (Christmas One Shot)

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(A/n): I really wanted to make a Christmas chapter with the Team in the Cave. So this takes place during season 1 before (Y/n) and Zatanna officially started dating, so prepare for some awkward moments!

This chapter has no direct relation to the rest of the book. Merry Christmas and I'll get back to regular uploads soon!



*December 24th, Mt. Justice*

3rd Person POV:

Zatanna and Artemis arrived at the Cave, both eager to spend the holidays with their respective crushes. The Dark Knight had convinced Dick to host Christmas in the Cave for the less fortunate members of the Team that didn't have a family to spend the holidays with.

Wally, Kaldur and Dick were setting up presents under the tree in the kitchen while Conner and M'gann worked on preparing some snacks for the group. They opted for small appetizers throughout the evening over a large dinner.

Bruce and Alfred would be watching over the group with Oliver Queen (Green Arrow) and Dinah Lance (Black Canary) taking over Christmas Day.

Both the magician and the archer brushed off snow from their coats and shivered as they stepped out of the zeta tube.

Artemis: "So, what did you get him?"

Zatanna instantly became flustered as she hid the present with (Y/n)'s name on it behind her back.

Artemis laughed at her friend's embarrassment. She knows that (Y/n) hasn't stopped thinking about Zatanna since she first showed up and she knows that he's fallen head over heels for the magician.

Artemis: "Relax would you? You two are perfect for eachother, he hasn't stopped thinking about you.... Hell, everyone saw how distracted he was when you two first met."

Zatanna thought of Artemis's comment as the girls slowly walked out of the training area. Zatanna liked (Y/n) a lot but she hadn't put any thought into what a relationship would look like until now. Would it be allowed by the League or more specifically her father? Despite her fears, she shoved all her negative thoughts away and managed to convince herself that everything would be fine.

Zatanna: "W-well what did you get Wally?"

Artemis scoffed and turned away to hide her blush. The two flustered girls eventually made their way to the kitchen and were greeted by the Team. Alfred entered shortly after, setting the table and taking the presents from the girls and placing them under the tree.

Zatanna began looking around for (Y/n) and her heart sank when she couldn't find him. After all the time the Team spent decorating for Christmas, he wasn't here to celebrate it. Normally she wouldn't be here either but with the loss of her father to the Helmet of Fate, the Team was all she had left.

Zatanna: "Where's (Y/n)? I-I thought he'd be here... he didn't mention anything about having plans..."

Batman: "(Y/n) was asked to help contain an attack on a nuclear power plant on the west coast. We don't know when the situation will be contained."

Zatanna was devastated and the Team knew it, they knew that (Y/n) didn't have any family and the thought of him missing his first Christmas with them hurt a lot.

M'gann moved over to Zatanna, she didn't need to read her mind. Everyone could tell she was upset.

M'gann: "When will he be back?"

Dick: "We don't know. The Cult of the Cobra launched the attack. The Division was the closest to the crisis and (Y/n) was ordered to help."

Zatanna sighed and walked into the kitchen and started helping Conner get drinks for everyone, trying to distract herself from the sinking feeling in stomach.

Young Justice: Directive 51 (Male Reader X Young Justice)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя