Chapter 65: Beginning of the End

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(A/N): Hello there.

Sorry for the delay with this chapter, I got sick and was down and out for about a week straight. I finally got around to editing this chapter but I'm still not feeling the greatest and am completely exhausted so I apologize if I missed anything grammar wise.

I've been looking forward to getting this chapter up for a while now and it is a long one so I hope you enjoy.

I appreciate every comment and thanks again for all your support, it means the world to me.

- MattFromWii


3rd Person POV:

*Tower of Fate*

Klarion groaned in annoyance, cursing at the stupid mortals for passing out so easily.

Klarion: "Great, now we'll never get out of here."

Teekl simply meowed and walked over to (Y/n), making big paws on the agents jacket.

Klarion: "Well, I guess we can torment them as they sleep. What punishment should we give the little witch?"


Klarion: "Oh no... not good!"

Klarion spun around to see Dr. Fate slowly lowering himself towards the Lord of Chaos and the unconscious heroes.

Dr. Fate: "Your exploits have gone to far, witch boy."

Klarion: "Teekl, let's get out of here!"


Zatanna groaned as she woke up. Strangely, she felt warm and comfortable. She opened her eyes to find herself resting on (Y/n)'s outstreched arm. They were laying in a large king size bed and she instantly recognized it as Kent Nelson's old bedroom inside the Tower of Fate.

She desperately wanted to snuggle back into the bed with (Y/n) but sighed when the soft golden glow of Dr. Fate arriving washed over her.

The magician sat up and groaned, pushing herself to the edge of the bed.

Zatanna: "Where's Klarion?"

Dr. Fate: "Gone, he managed to escape the tower a few days ago."

Zatanna: "A few days?! How long were we out for?"

Dr. Fate: "Time moves differently in the tower. You've been asleep for sixteen days. I kept you in a magical induced slumber to allow myself time to heal both your injuries."

Zatanna: "Sixteen days?! We missed Christmas and New Years?!"

Dr. Fate: "Yes, but I did inform the League that you two would be in my care until you've fully healed."

Zatanna: "Fine, what else have we missed?"


Several hours later (Y/n) and Zatanna were walking down the snow covered path towards their mansion safe house.

Zatanna: "Fate told me that the Outsiders had some issues while we were... out, to say the least."

(Y/n): "Everyone alright?"

Zatanna: "Yeah they're good, no injuries. They were set up by the Light and Luthor. Their public profile took a hit but they bounced back. Mary is unharmed, she's grumpy that Luthor got the better of the Outsiders but she'll be fine."

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