Chapter 50: Fate's Gambit

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3rd Person POV:

Dr. Fate appeared in front of Artemis and (Y/n). The Lord of Order suddenly fell to the ground and grabbed his ribs. (Y/n) immediately rushed to his side and put Fate's arm around his neck.

(Y/n): "What happened?! Where were you?"

Dr. Fate: "I was attempting to conceal our presence. I failed. Circe knows I'm here. She does not know you two are on the island, I was able to conceal your presence and the spell should last for your journey to the castle. By that time I will have returned with reinforcements."

Artemis: "You're leaving?!"

Dr. Fate: "I have no choice, Circe's army is immune to all magic based attacks when on this island."

(Y/n): "Go to the HUB, there's a strike team on standby 24/7. Bring them back and change us into our gear before you go."

Fate changed both Artemis and (Y/n) into their mission uniforms before pushing himself off the agent and stumbling forward. The god quickly regained his composure and stood tall before the heroes.

Dr. Fate: "No. Zatanna's magical students are what we need."

Artemis: "Hang on, didn't you just say Circe's army is immune to magic? So no offence, but those kids are going to be useless."

(Y/n): "Get the Division, get Kelso."

Dr. Fate: "Remember my warning to you. If you want victory in the end, remember my warning."

Dr. Fate disappeared in a flash, leaving Artemis and (Y/n) alone in the foggy forest. With the night sky shining down on them.

Artemis: "Who do you think will have to sacrifice everything?"

(Y/n): "I honestly don't know, and I'm not willing to find out. If Fate thinks we're going to willingly be magical puppets for his prophecy then he's got another thing coming. We're going to break into that castle, rescue Zee, and get the hell out."

Artemis: "And how exactly are we going to do that? Your bullets and my arrows aren't exactly a match for a goddess."

(Y/n): "I'm working on it, but for now let's just start moving and keep out of sight."

The heroes started moving, traversing the uneven and dense forest wasn't too difficult, both Artemis and (Y/n) received extensive training in land navigation.


Two knights in medieval armour with glowing green eyes and wrinkled dry skin drag Zatanna through the halls of the castle. Zatanna is barely conscious, holding on by a thread after being mercilessly tortured by Circe.

A stream of blood dripped down from Zatanna's hairline, running down her face as she struggled to keep her eyes open.

The constant clanging of the knight's armour combined with Zatanna's blurry vision made it impossible to see where she was going or hear anything other than Circe's laughter.

Zatanna: "S-stop... please y-you don't have to do this."

Circe's laughter grew to deafening levels as the Knights stopped in the middle of the hallway and Circe appeared in a bright purple flame.

Circe: "Oh you poor thing. These knights aren't human, not anymore. They pledged allegiance to me hundreds of years ago and I've kept them alive through my magic. Unfortunately, that means they're bound to the island. But once I absorb your power, I'll be able to storm across the world once again."

Zatanna: "I-I won't... I won't let you."

Circe: "Why do you bother fighting? Your boyfriend will never find us here. There is no knight in shining armour rushing to sweep you off your feet and carry you into the sunset. You're going to die here, alone on the cold stones, crying for (Y/n)."

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