Chapter 28: Hurt

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3rd Person POV:

Zatanna awoke to find (Y/n) absent from their room. (Y/n) had brought her back to their room as members of the team slowly left the kitchen where they had gathered after learning about Artemis's death.

They had fallen asleep together but (Y/n) is nowhere to be seen. Zatanna slowly looked over at their alarm clock, 4:27 am. "Where could he be?"

She forced herself out of bed and put on black shorts and a tee shirt. Both were baggy but she just wore them around their apartment and never in public. Hopefully everyone would be asleep and she could find (Y/n) without anyone seeing her.

Zatanna crept out of her room and began searching the Cave. The sound of her feet on the cold floor was the only sound she could hear, by now she was really regretting not putting on socks.

Zatanna checked the kitchen, the training area and the library. All were empty. Zatanna decided to check the loading bay. She made her way down the hall towards the last section of the Cave she hadn't checked. As she walked around the corner she noticed the light on in the Caves gym. As Zatanna walked closer to the gym she heard the sound of someone punching a punching bag. The rattle of chains drowning out the impact of fists on leather.

She looked into the gym and saw (Y/n) wearing a grey t-shirt, red shorts and running shoes. His fists are wrapped with boxing hand wraps, he's punching the punching bag furiously and with an exceptional level of strength.

Zatanna notices two other punching bags on the ground, holes in both and both are leaking sand onto the gym floor.

Zatanna walks further into the gym and (Y/n) turns to face her. His face is full of pain, Zatanna's eyes start to water at the sight of how much he's suffering. (Y/n) tries to take off the wrap on his hands but he's shaking and can't do it. He collapses to his knees and starts crying as Zatanna drops down to her knees and pulls him into a hug.

They stay on the gym floor for a bit before Zatanna pulls (Y/n) up and they go sit on a nearby bench.

Zatanna: "What time did you get up?"

(Y/n): "Shortly after you fell asleep. I couldn't sleep. I keep seeing her face in my head, cold, lifeless. I've replayed the fight on the beach a thousand times in my head to see what I did wrong, see if I could've done something different, something that would've saved her."

Zatanna: "You did everything you could. Artemis wouldn't want you hurting yourself like this."

(Y/n): "I can't even imagine how Wally feels right now."

Zatanna: "We can talk to him tomorrow. For now, please come back to bed."

(Y/n): "Ok..."

Zatanna: "Here let me take the warp off."

Zatanna took (Y/n)'s right hand and started removing the wrap. After she took the first two layers off she gasped. (Y/n)'s hands had been bleeding from the extensive punching, the white wrap was now soaked with his blood. As Zatanna peeled both wraps off she tossed them on the floor and used a towel to keep pressure on (Y/n)'s hands.

She led him back to their bedroom where they bandaged up (Y/n)'s hands then passed out on top of the bed, Zatanna rested her head on (Y/n)'s chest as he wrapped his arms around her.

(Y/n) POV:

We woke up around 11:00. Zatanna has to go to Raquels bridal shower today. I'm dropping her and M'gann off and then heading to the Dakota city FBI field office a block away. Apparently a league of shadows member has turned themselves in, not sure why but it's worth paying a visit to the office.

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