Chapter 65

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"Write me when you get there, when you get to the paddock and if we don't see each other, even if you arrive at our place," Max gave me the instruction. He could not accompany me because of a team meeting and thought about it a thousand times. He would have liked to skip the meeting and come along, but I had been able to dissuade him from doing so.

In general, I often had to remind Max that he should behave normally. Yesterday he stood close to me every minute he could and didn't want to let me out of his sight. With Daniel, this had already been enough for stupid comments and the other drivers also found the dutchman's behavior funny. Although they probably blamed it on the fact that I was 'sick' in the last week. Nevertheless, I had asked Max not to behave so conspicuously anymore.

So also now: "I'll write to you when I'm there, then we'll be back tonight at the latest. Even if I'm pregnant, I can walk alone through a city by day." Max looked at me with a warning, but I didn't care because I had to go. So I just quickly gave him a kiss and then disappeared outside.

Through the streets of Monaco I went to a bus station, and I behaved normally. If I had learned one thing, the more inconspicuous you wanted to be, the more you stood out. So I stood there with my phone and waited for the bus to come.

Without being approached or photographed, I made it into the gynecologist's building. There I dutifully filled out the paperwork while sitting in the waiting area. Fortunately for me, no one was in the practice except me, I was probably the first appointment for today. Which I was really happy about, because nobody should really see me here, not this weekend. Everyone knew who I or the drivers and their girlfriends were this weekend.

"Madame Gasser? You can come with me for a urine test and blood draw," I just nodded. Together with the assistant, I first went to the toilet where she gave me a cup and showed where I should put it right away. I bravely followed her instructions when she left me alone.

After noting weight, blood pressure and height, she also took blood from me: "Then I'll take her to the ultrasound." Again, I just nodded because I was afraid that at any moment someone would come into the practice and only recognize me by my voice. I had already come to terms with the pregnancy and made friends with the idea of becoming a mommy. The fear of being discovered and recognized was the only thing that made my heart beat faster and made my hands sweat.

"The Dr. Is coming soon," as I hated that sentence. I was lying on the shit and had to wait until this doctor came. Actually, I always wanted to have a woman, but here in Monaco it was more important to me that my doctor and I could communicate. Nevertheless, I and Max would have preferred a woman.

The door opened and a middle-aged man came in: "Hello Mrs. Gasser, my name is Dr. Van Meyeburg. My assistant said they would like to talk to German?" I answered in the affirmative, because it was the most comfortable for me, after all, you didn't learn medical terms at school and who wouldn't want to communicate in their mother tongue whenever possible.

"Then let's see what's going on in your belly," he started to spread the cold gel on my stomach. With the ultrasound, he drove over my stomach and typed something into the computer again and again. Since he remained silent, I was afraid for a moment that something was wrong. But then he turned the screen to me and pointed to a measly point. He quickly turned on the sound so I could hear the heartbeat and it wasn't mine.

"Congratulations," the doctor announced, "you are in the 6 week of their pregnancy." I ignored the quack and started spellbound on my little point and listened to his heartbeat. I could not hold back a tear, which was probably the fault of my hormones. Even in that moment or now, I can't tell, if I was happy or just scared like hell.

While I was crying, the doctor had calculated and measured everything: "Seems everything seems fine, they can wipe the gel and then come to the desk." I couldn't get the slimy stuff down fast enough. This paste was just unpleasant and then glued the T-shirt nicely.

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