Chapter 105

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Even worse than the knocking on my door was the pounding in my head. I hadn't felt so shitty one morning in months. I just hated the minibar from the room and my stupid idea of drowning my worries and fears in alcohol.

The pounding didn't get any better, neither at the door nor in my head, but I still managed to finish at least one knock as I got up from bed: "When did you have to tell me that my best friend is in the hospital?" I had completely forgotten about the blonde.

"I hope for you that she and the babies are doing well. Otherwise, I swear to you by God that I will cut off your dick. How can you just not inform her best friend? So that I, like everyone else, have to find out through the media!", my head began to throb even harder at her chatter. Somehow, I liked it better when she was still in Switzerland.

"They're fine," it escaped me curtly, "I was too busy taking care of my girlfriend and my best friend than to think about the sobering best friend of my girlfriend." She raised an eyebrow, probably she had now smelled the alcohol on me and did not believe that I could condemn her for her consumption. She was right to a certain extent. Unlike me, she didn't have to be at the track for the first practice session in a few hours.

Luckily for me, she didn't say anything about it, but only asked for the name of the hospital and the number of the room: "I'll keep them company and you'd better take a shower and probably throw in a painkiller. I don't want to have to visit you in the hospital. In addition, too much excitement harms the babies and believe me, if you have an accident, Hanna will get upset and worried."

Puzzled, I looked after Jessica as she left me alone in the doorway with the words and probably made her way. As much as she just got on my nerves with her banging on the door, I was just as grateful that Hanna had her. I was sure she would keep Hanna and Daniel company and distract them from the fact that they couldn't work. Unfortunately, I dared to dismiss my girlfriend to herself just so she could sit behind the microphone.

When I caught myself, I closed the door and followed the advice from the blonde. Just as I was getting dressed again and the painkiller was starting to work, it knocked on my door again. Only I knew this time it would be my coach who came to pick me up for the day at the track.

"Ready for the day? How are Hanna and Daniel doing? The pictures of the car didn't really look good," he greeted me. I quickly grabbed my bag so that we could go to the track.

"Hanna is doing better than Daniel, he threw himself in front of her. Which is why he has more injuries. She has one more whiplash, but not really. Maybe you should train her neck with her, as many car accidents as she experiences," I tried to loosen myself up a bit. Just thinking about the day before made every muscle in my body tense and the anger against my ex rises. But Geri was right, I had to stay calm.

Luckily for me, my coach left the topic and preferred to talk about the upcoming training. To be honest, I only listened to him with one ear, as my mind kept wandering. At least the trip to the paddock went by pretty quickly. But what I hadn't thought about was that everyone would ask me questions about Hanna as soon as I got there. Whether it's media, drivers or employees. I couldn't walk a meter without being reminded.

My driver room seemed like a lifebuoy to me, on the open sea, when you're drowning: "A lot of media attention, wasn't my boy?" Frightened, I looked into the corner with the sofa. I had just arrived in my room and hadn't even noticed my father yet. He had visibly made himself comfortable, but now got up and came towards me.

Not a word had left our lips when he took me into a hug, something he rarely did. Never before had I been so grateful for one as now. My muscles actually relaxed, and I was able to let go of my tension for a moment.

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