Chapter 102

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Reasonably fit, I waited for my team to prepare the shoot with Daniel. Since Max had to be at the track very early for RedBull, I had also been here very early, earlier than my team.

Bored, I scrolled through Insta and got stuck on a picture from last night. It showed me and Max going to the restaurant. I had chosen one of my favourite dresses. It was black and elastic, so it accentuated my stomach a lot. Precisely because the photo was taken from the side, you could clearly see the little baby ball.

'She looks so beautiful, she should show her belly more often,' I read the probably top comment underneath. Immediately, my gaze went from my display to my belly, which was hidden under my shirt. The work clothes were never tight, which is why I still wore my normal size. But I wondered how long it would fit me. But maybe whoever wrote this was right and I shouldn't hide my belly on purpose.

My gaze went back to the now black screen of my mobile phone, which I quickly reactivated. After a little inner struggle with myself, I decided not to read any more comments, as there would definitely be negative ones as well. I just felt comfortable in my body and didn't want anyone to tell me anything else.

"Does pregnancy make you an early riser?" it sounded when my team arrived. Packed with cameras and other stuff for the shot, they had come to a stop next to me. I couldn't blame them for their surprise, because I'd never been here before them.

I shook my head: "No, but RedBull, who started shooting videos at 7 a.m. because of the home race." Actually, Max and I had agreed that I would stay down and go here later. But when he got up, I couldn't sleep anymore, which is why I came here with him. I hated his team a little bit for that right now.

"All good with you and Max? I heard the argument with Dilara yesterday, she's lying if she only opens her mouth," came from Uwe. The part-time busy was ready to get everything ready.

"Everything's fine," I replied relaxed, "We've sorted everything out." He didn't need to know exactly what had happened. This was only my and Max's business, but since I knew how worried they could be, I wanted to give them the all-clear. I was also sure that the newspapers were full of articles about yesterday.

He looked at me briefly: "I may not be your favorite person to talk about, but if something happens, my door is always open to you." I was really grateful for that, even though he was right. With the girls, first and foremost Jessi, I had enough open ears for my grief.

"Thank you. But I have decided to think only positively and only listen to my body. Who just tells me it's time for something to eat. I still have time to get something, don't I? Daniel will be late anyway," I said casually.

Before I got a real answer, I got a croissant from the bulls' motorhome, which I quickly ate on the way back to the pitline. With little surprise, I found that my team was finished, but there was nowhere to be seen of the Aussie.

"Should I call him?", I asked the group, "Or do we want to wait for the great Mr. Ricciardo." Admittedly, he was only two minutes late, but I knew him. If you didn't make a fire under his ass, he was easily twenty minutes late.

Since no one really gave me an answer, I took my cell phone and called the Renault driver: "Does anyone miss me yet?" A good-humored voice sounded. From the background noise, I knew he was still in the car.

"Depends on how long the Lord intends to keep us waiting," I asked. Maybe I've mentioned this before, but I hated waiting, and Daniel knew that.

"I'm almost there," I heard him get out of the car, "three minutes and I'll be with you in the pit lane." I thanked them and told the others that I hope he would be there right away. With him it was quite possible that he would need another hour, because he feels like he talks to everyone he meets.

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