Chapter 13

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"For who you made you so chic?" Jessica stood in the door frame of my room and looked at me waiting. I certainly hadn't made myself chic, but I didn't have to look like a scarecrow. After all, other people would see me, and not just my friends.

I quickly stuffed my phone into my pocket and then went to her: "Just for yourself or do you want to let yourself be seen with a scarecrow in the stadium." My best friend would have liked to have heard a name, but unfortunately there was none. Actually, there was one, but this construction site was still unsafe and therefore worth no mention.

Since Jessica always wanted to drive, I sat down in the passenger seat and had my girlfriend do it: "Do you think the guys can still turn anything, they've lost the last few games. With a defeat, they would be out today." I had also heard of the defeats through my brother, as Best of 5, they still had a slim chance. Admittedly, I didn't really believe in it, even if they win today, they still have to win the other two games of the series and away it would probably be very difficult.

"It won't be easy, but maybe they need their lucky charm, me," Jessi Laughed. In the end, however, she agreed with me, even though we both didn't believe in such superstitious stuff. But you could still afford a fun.

Short it was still before Jessi I looked at me briefly: "Do you think you're going to stay with Formula One until your birthday?" I had a foreboding as to why she asked, and I didn't like it. I didn't like birthdays and didn't like to party big. This year, my birthday fell on a Saturday that happened to be on the race weekend in Barcelona. I was aware that she would not have asked me without this knowledge and was slightly frightened.

"It's still almost two months, hard to say, but I think so," a broad grin crept onto the blonde's face. A grin that I didn't like at all in this context. You and probably the others of our group probably had a plan for my 20th birthday.

But I couldn't remember it, because we had reached our destination. Since we both knew each other well, we were able to park in the VIP area without any problems. The advantage as a niece of the sports director and girlfriend of a player, you always got tickets and a parking space. As usual, as always, we sat slightly above the bench of the home team and had beer and Bratwurst in the hand.

Nicely, a young man took photos with Jessi's Mobile phone as we do and once from the back numbers of our jerseys. While Jessica was wearing the 97 by her boyfriend, I had 63 of Time on it. So that I could also post pictures, half the Dutchwoman sent me the photos. Quickly still a light filter about the pictures and already they landed on my profile with the signature: Our guys on the Support with my beast @ JeMü00 #EHCKloten #playoff.

To the end of the first third I didn't have time to look at my phone. My Instagram was on Explode, thanks to certain drivers. Because of you many users have probably come to my profile, which is why my Subscription number to 600,000. Compared to them, was it's still a lot, but for me it's a lot.

"How can you do that to us? You're cheating on us with ice hockey? Didn't we give you everything in Australia? An exciting race with Safety Car and fail, what else do you need to stay with us," George had Drama queen made. Alex had tried to comfort him under his comment, but George didn't want to hear about it because his heart 'broken' May be. Of course, only fun, but it had probably caused a stir.

Lando had not taken it for a comment: "I thought I was Your beast? How can you just replace me?" Carlos then stabbed his team-mate and George, and Alex were also able to Lachsmilys do not pinch.

From Antonio and Daniel I got thumbs up and Charles just had the picture liked. Max, on the other hand, had sent me a private message, which I First still out of the blue, and it was George and Lando to reply.

"It was just a slip on the ice, next weekend I'm back, promised," I joked under George's comment, then went straight to Lando, "You are my beast from Formula 1, is that enough?" Forced, he accepted this and was satisfied with the answer. Now that the two Britons were being cared for, I was able to take care of the news from the Dutchman.

With a funny feeling I opened the message: "Didn't know you had a friend, you could have said quietly. We don't have to meet anymore, I don't want to cause you trouble. -Max" I didn't understand how he came to the fact that I had a friend.

"I don't have a friend; how do you get there?" I asked the Dutchman. But since at that moment Jessi from the toilets, I quickly put my phone away. She would make too big an uprising, nothing to do if she were to learn about Max.

Broadly grinning, she looked at me: "The guys win the thing." They had just gone into the first break with two goals, which unfortunately was not enough for a win in my opinion. Unfortunately, I should be right, because already after the second third it was 2-3 against our guys. The previously optimistic blonde looked pissed off the field and probably didn't want to play anymore.

"I'll go from 100.0 "I'm smiling," she said. When I felt safe felt, took I got my phone out again and went straight to the chat with Max. In fact, he had sent me a screenshot of my post today and circled my picture description. Now the penny fell on me, he had the 'our Guys' Misunderstood.

Smiling, I bite my lips: "I think you get it wrong; it was meant to be the guys on our team, you understand. In addition, the Young youth players My best friends or even rather brothers. You'd rather I with Jessica than with one of them." I fervently hoped that he would understand what I wanted to tell him. When I received the monkey in response, who was eye-catching, I was sure that the news had arrived at him correctly. So, I was able to enjoy the last third relaxed, but it didn't go well for Kloten. In the end, it was 2:5 and so the playoffs were over and there would be no promotion.

We just sat down in our seats, both of us missing the words. Even though I saw it coming before the game, it did to my Fan heart hurt. The boys were quickly gone in the dressing rooms, while the opponents were still celebrating with their fan curve.

"I need alcohol," my best friend said, saying what I thought. That's why we both got up and Internal area disappeared. There was also my uncle, whom I also welcomed immediately, as well as the other board members of the association.

While we waited for the boys, Jessi and I already to drown the disappointment in alcohol. How did Daniel Ricciardo in an interview, alcohol is the solution for everything, whether Success or defeat, as rightly the Australian was at it.

With their heads lowered, the players came to us one by one. During Jessi Greg comforted, I tried it at Time and Laurent. But Laurent just waved off as our sunshine dropped into my arms. Time was almost a kind of Daniel, always for a fun and always had a permanent grin. Only now did he look like a bunch of misery. Like a wet sack, he hung in my arms and was devastated.

We all sat down in a corner, this time the boys were allowed to treat themselves to a beer, because the season was now over for them: "Please say that at least there is good news for you." Looking at me, Laurent looked at me, which looked very cute. Experience of success by whom in the group was a success for all of us. That's why they were very happy for me when I was able to go to Sky.

"For the time being, I may still Formel1 "They don't look like they've got anyone until after the summer break, or maybe they won't find anyone at all," Laurent's face brightened. The other two also seemed very happy for me.

Greg put an arm around his girlfriend: "Of course they don't find anyone, because no one is better than Hanna Gasser." Even though he had said it with a hint of wit, he had meant it seriously. I was more than grateful for the words of energizing from my oldest friend. We had already learned to crawl together, which is why he knew me like no other. That is why I attached a great deal of importance to his opinion.

"Is Max Verstappen as arrogant as he seems on the Netflix series?" Asked Jessica about me. Alone at the Call his name had his pulse shot up, and I swallowed my beer. Coughing, I tried to answer the question in the answer, but Really I didn't get anything out of it.

I breathed in and out to recover: 'No, he's not arrogant at all. He's actually come very pre-coming.' I tried to keep it very superficial and not to rave too much about the driver, which was really hard with him. Time looked at me with raised eyebrows, because the last part was maybe a little too detailed.

"Where did it come from Know you that he is courteous? Mine in an interview he may have been bad," he drilled Time After. The other three also looked at me more closely. In my head, I panicked for a good excuse, from where I could have known.

I didn't even really have to lie, just omit some details: "I was the young driver eating, there was very before coming. During Lando, I was very happy to annoy me, he had at least given me something for the stolen fries." Broad grinning looked at my best friend and the boys seemed to put things together. Maybe I should have just left it at the first set.

"And?" asked Jessica. However, since I am not their remembrance, I looked at her inquiringly. Her eyebrows shrugged conspiratorially, but I was probably a little bit on the line, because I didn't understand what she wanted from me.

Annoyed, the blonde sighed: "And what's going on?" That's why I hadn't told her about Max, because it had always run something from their point of view. I could only be friends with the three guys sitting here at the table. Otherwise, it always had to jump out of a relationship.

"Nothing, we were once eating together no more. In addition, I should rather keep distance from him. If a tabloid would get wind of it, I don't know how my boss, let alone the viewers, will react. I could lose my job or my career," Jessi rolled with her eyes. Laurent, on the other hand, seemed to understand my concerns and the other two wanted to stay out of it.

Strictly looked at my best friend: "You always go from the worst, think a little more positive. Maybe he's the one and people will be happy for you. Do you want to be alone forever and escape into excuses? At least get in on it and get to know him if he wants to. If you don't, you can still switch to the friendship track."

"And when they are seen and lose everything? Such gossip newspapers can spread very beautiful lies and many people only form their opinion through such articles," Laurent told her. Before an argument between the two could break out, whispered Greg something in his girlfriend's ear, and she leaned against him.

Time looked to me: "Find out if he would be worth the risk to you. No one can say what's going to happen, but you can tell how much you want to bet for him or another man." Since our fun bird had given something really clever of itself. He was right, I had to find out if Max was worth the risk to me. Was he worth it to me that I put my career at risk without knowing what was or will be between him and me?

Many thanks to @Jackie_Legend who created this beautiful cover for me. Check her out, because her covers are really beautiful. The rights for this images aren't by me (the fotos are out of the Internet).

Do you belive in forever?     (Max Verstappen)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα