Chapter 87

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Tired, I was just trying to brush my eyelashes when my boyfriend's voice sounded 100 times from below: "Hanna, go ahead. Otherwise we will be late." Contrary to what you might think, we were not close at all, rather too early. But Max had already gotten up over an hour before my alarm clock and had been tigering through the whole house since then, driving everyone crazy with it.

"I'm coming soon! We don't need an hour to see my gynecologist, so calm down!", stress in the morning I never liked. But since I was pregnant, it was a death sentence for the person who stressed me out. Even though I could understand that Max was excited to see our children for the first time, he just got on my nerves.

Finished make-up, which went quickly, since I hardly used make-up, I looked for everything together and then went down to the living room: "Are you ready? Can we finally get going?" Still tired and a little too annoyed, I looked forward to him. But he probably didn't care, because he could probably only think about the doctor's appointment.

So he had stretched my shoes and jacket towards me without further ado and was just waiting for us to get out to the car. My uncle was already gone, since he had not endured Max, he had taken the flight to the office, so only my aunt was here. She just shook her head laughing while watching us from the kitchen door with a coffee in her hand.

Even if the anti-nausea medication worked well, the smell still triggered stranglers in me, which is why I hurried to get into the car: "Have fun and see you later, you come for lunch, right?"

"Sorry, Anna-Marie. We have arranged to have dinner with the group, but we will come by tonight before we go to Monaco," she looked at me sympathetically. She knew how close we were and how long we hadn't seen each other.

She came and hugged me briefly: "You don't need to apologize, of course you also want to see her, who knows when you will all get back together. Such is life, you grow up and everyone goes their own way, but you will already keep in touch. I firmly believe in that."

Tormented, I had replied, as the smell of her coffee was now inevitable, but I did not want to hurt her. So I only looked for help to Max, who stood impatiently at the door and in the end freed me from the embrace of my aunt.

"Drive carefully!" she told us as we closed the door. This remark would not have been necessary, as Max always drove carefully when I sat next to him and I was not allowed to drive before. I couldn't wait to be able to drive myself again.

Without saying a word, I sat down in the car: "I can't wait to see them." Full of anticipation, Max had climbed into my car and set about taking us to the gynecologist. While I was still trying to relax a bit as I had a long night.

For a long time I was awake and had thought about the last day. To all the beautiful and less beautiful moments of my childhood, in the hope of being able to conclude with it, but his family could not simply be forgotten.

"Have you actually already looked at what is in the box that my father gave us," I tried to distract my boyfriend from the appointment. In addition, it really took me wonder what was in this one, only yesterday I was too agitated to do it myself.

Max looked at me briefly before he looked at the street: "I haven't looked in yet. It's a gift from your father, so you should open it. But you should wait until you feel ready, not for it to upset you even more."

"I'm not agitated," I zigzagged back, "I'm doing brilliantly, a little tired, but well. I just want to get the dates behind me and spend some more time with my boyfriends before life in Formula 1 continues. Who knows when I'll see Jessie and the boys again. With the twins, it gets even more complicated. Spontaneously agreeing or going out, there is then no more."

Do you belive in forever?     (Max Verstappen)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon