Chapter 12

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After 24 hours on a plane, I was happy when I just had to get my suitcase. Unfortunately, this took longer than that I wanted it. It was just 8 o'clock in the morning on a Tuesday and yet was operated at the airport.

Outside in the lobby, Greg waited luckily without girlfriend or the other players. As much as I love my friends, after such a long flight, I just wanted to get home quickly. Jessi I would ask about guys and after the short night and little sleep on the plane I didn't want to. Greg was not the type of one who asked, so I was glad he could pick me up.

With my suitcase in hand I approached him and hugged him once: "Have heard, I was already replaced by a racing driver as your best friend." When I had to think of the englishman, all I could do was laugh. In fact, he had titled himself my best friend in the interview and also posted a nice picture of us on Instagram. However, the fact that he is not Greg, Laurent und Gian are always my best male friends. "I knew my best friend," I said, so he took it all with humor.

"Do you have to work the weekend? I mean it's not a race," he said Greg know in the car of me. In fact, this weekend I had because I didn't really have a real day off last week. Like a little kid, the ice hockey player was happy behind the wheel, because I was able to get into the stadium. Even though I was only a week apart from my beloved sport, it felt too long. So, I didn't have to worry about it for a second I'd be thinking about going to saturday's home game. After all, it was also the playoffs, where it was all about the ascending, in the first division.

Arriving in front of the block where I lived, I got out and grabbed my suitcase. I quickly thanked Greg and then disappeared up into my room. Just when I was in bed lying, the door opened, and my mother came into my room grinning wide.

She came straight to me and hugged me while I lay in bed: "My baby is back home. Tell me what it was like?" She didn't care that I obviously wanted to sleep. Waiting she looked at me and was really interested in it, but I just didn't care about her interest. As much as I loved my mother, I just wish she was working.

"Good, it was fun. Good night," I turned my back on my mom. She got up with a sigh, knowing that she couldn't hear more from me. Patience was not her strength, which I had probably inherited from her. But she could understand that I wanted to sleep after such a long flight.

When But she had immediately grabbed my suitcase so that she could do the laundry. It wasn't that I didn't wash myself Can. Since she had laundry anyway, she just found it stupid if I would wash separately. I was supposed to be right, so I could sleep out and had to don't mess with my dirty clothes.

After a good five hours of sleep, my mother woke me up: "Otherwise you can't sleep tonight." Even though I hated Mum for waking up, I knew too well how right she was with it. Since I had to go to Munich again tomorrow for the Sky Sport building, lack of sleep would definitely not be helpful.

Even when I was awake, I was still a little bit in my bed. I had my phone charged and now I could look relaxed at what I had missed in the last few hours. Some of the first thing that caught my eye was a message on Instagram. I clicked on it and noticed she was from Max. Slightly anxious I clicked on my DMs, maybe he regretted the evening now and wants nothing more to do with me.

"Hey, wanted to ask if you have arrived well? What are your plans for next week until we are in Bahrain? -Max," I watched the message in disbelief. Certainly, I read the message Five times until I understood the content. Slightly overwhelmed, I tried to type in a message, but deleted it again and again.

I took a deep breath before I began to answer for the sixth time: "Hey Max, everything is great by me and by you? Must go to The Main Building of Sky Sport in Munich tomorrow and on Saturday I support  once again the hockey team in which friends of mine play. What are your plans?" Without thinking about it, I just sent it off, otherwise I would just delete the message and it really didn't get any better.

Just when I was about to leave Instagram, I saw that I had received another message. I didn't expect that, after all, I was certainly not the only one who wrote on Instagram about DM that he had seen the news at all was a miracle.

"I'm hanging out with Daniel and Charles, otherwise I'm just waiting for it to go to Bahrain. What do you have to do in the Sky building? Have You already found a replacement, please do not? You make interviews more bearable, you can't go again," the Dutchman lamented via text message. Laughing, I just shook my head because I didn't think I was better than other reporters.

Before my mind could interfere, I had already sent the answer: "First and foremost, there will be a meeting for talking about what happen on the weekend, but I probably have to go to my boss's office. It's fun with you too, but if my boss pulls me off, I can't do anything."

In the end I had to promise Max to write him a message if I would be in Bahrain. It was sweet how much he was interested in my life and my job. While it was perhaps just niceness to a female hero like him, you could never be sure. One day they promised you the world and the next day they were gone.

Since the rest of my day was uneventful, we can a small leap in time the next day. After the usual trip of three hours, I had arrived in Munich around noon and had made myself directly to my place in the office. There were also many other colleagues working behind the scenes.

"Well, how was Melbourne?" Jenny had come straight to me. The blonde sat down on my desk and looked at me waiting. At the age of 27, she was one of the Employees who were closest to my age. During my last month, which I have summaries commented we had got along well on job level. Most of the time we had lunch together, which we wanted to do that day.

But before we had lunch in an hour, I had to write a report about the race weekend. Primer it isn't even about the race, it's about the processes in our broadcasts and behind the camera. The aim is to identify weaknesses and optimize processes.

Mr. Schmidt had come to me: "Hanna after the team meeting, I would like to talk to you in my office. Just come to my office when you're done." I nodded to my boss because I had no other choice. I couldn't tell my boss for no good reason that I wouldn't go to his office.

When he had my confirmation, Mr. Schmidt also walked away from my desk. Cautiously, I looked at Jenny, who looked at me cheerfully and said with her gaze that we would talk at the meal. Probably I would hear the gossip about me, my promise had certainly made the rounds here as well. Maybe I should start clearing my desk, but I had to finish my work.

"Enough work, time to eat," Jenny pulled me out of my chair. Before they get me right move away, I saved my report for safety and took my bag.

With a tray full of food, we made ourselves comfortable in a corner of the canteen: "Mr. Schmidt was quite impressed, at least That's how I saw it. It is rumored that he is seriously considering leaving you at Schumacher's side. So, Ralf himself is said to have asked him to do so, at least that's what Lucy said and that's what Amanda told the secretary of Mr. Schmidt." From such rumors I didn't think anything, anyone who had ever played the phone game knew that from person to person the story or sentence changed enormously. Out of decency I nodded to Jenny, but inside I knew that this was not a certainty for me to stay with Formula 1 Team. In addition, there was my promise.

"What gossip I missed," I could hear everything from pregnancy to the death of a father. It's bad what can happen in a week, but that's what my future would look like here if I was allowed to comment further. But escaping the gossip was nothing I would be sad about; on the contrary it would probably be the best thing about it.

briefly quietly had entered our table: "Would you go back to ice hockey if you were left with the choice? I mean it looked at the interviews on Social media as if you already have friendship with the driver." I lowered my fork and looked at my work colleague. She seemed uncomfortable with the question herself, which is why she made her head and poked around with the fork in her salad.

"They were nice, but it was only four days. I wouldn't say I miss them either," I clarified. "If I could comment further on Formula One and expect the summaries from ice hockey, then I would opt for F1. But if I had a position as a commentator in ice hockey, I would immediately get back to ice hockey." Everyone has a sport that they put above all the others, even if you liked other sports, for me this was ice hockey. Even though I slowly got warm with motorsport, my heart was as cold as the ice under the skids of the players. It was probably in my DNA.

While Jenny went back to our editorial office, where we had our desks, I had disappeared into a conference room. There were Leo, Ralf and Sandra, all the others involved in the broadcast of the race at the weekend. I fell between Udo and Sandra on a free chair. Polite as I was, I once greeted the whole round. Before Thomas started the meeting began, switched I got my phone off.

In Big and large the topics were very technical, where I had no idea anyway. Basically Ralf, Sandra and I could have tailed this meeting. Wouldn't it have been the outlook for next week.

"Wednesday we will meet at 10 o'clock in the morning at the airport, because our plane was supposed to take off at 12 o'clock. So, we will land in Bahrain shortly after half past nine in the evening. On Thursday, a normal media day will be held. Sandra will go to the press conference and Hanna will be allowed to do the first car interview with Valtteri "He told us the plans. With my eyes I flew over the program only quickly and had only seen with one ear.

I had only one question: "Should I also come to Munich. I mine, I live not even a quarter of an hour from Zurich Airport." My objection seemed to make sense and I was right that there was no such way that there was no Made sense to Munich.

"I'm going to have your ticket rebooked," that was the order of the day. Now this meeting was over and Thus all I had to do was talk to my boss for today. Not exactly highly motivated I said goodbye to the rest. I wasn't in a hurry, so I took the stairs. Just stupid that the office was on the top floor. Sweaty and out of the blue Breath I was now in front of his office and had to my breath before knocking on the door.

After one, I opened the door: "Hanna, sit down. What was the race like for you, was it fun?" Uncertainly, I answered in the affirmative, I thanked again for the Opportunity to he had given me. Nervously I gave away my fingers into each other and tried to appear calm.

"Apparently, it's not just me who's excited about the talent. Ralf has raved about you and the spectators also seem to like your way. Before I talk about it any longer, as long as we can't find anyone else, you'll stay with our Formula 1 team," I quickly thanked for this further opportunity to prove me. I knew I could be replaced at any time, but this opportunity was better than nothing.

At the door I wrote with joy to Max first, I didn't have to wait long for an answer: "Then I'm just looking forward to Bahrain. How about a replay of the dinner?" "Nice", with a broad smile I put my phone back into my rear pocket.

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