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The season's opening ball at Danbury House is a most highly sought-after invitation, indeed, for every darling debutante from Park Lane to Regent Street will be on display. Titled, chaste, and innocent, this is what they have been raised and trained for since birth. Tonight, we shall discover which young ladies might succeed at securing a match, thereby avoiding the dreadful, dismal condition known as "the spinster."

After getting ready for the ball Val and I head downstairs to join in the festivities. Val takes my arm in his as we take turn about the room. While Lady Danbury is my sponsor Val is the one that will have the say in who I marry. I am old enough to marry without needing permission from anyone but myself, but it is still important to me that Val likes who I choose to marry.

I point at one young man. "He is rather pleasing."

"He is rather here to shuffle about hunting fortunes," Val says. "Trust Mr. Lewis knows of your sizable dowry. Leave him be."

I gesture to another young man. "I presume you know of him too?"

"Mr. Worthington. Second son. We shall find better," Val insists. Another young man walks by, and I can see him looking at me. "He is of dubious parentage. I shall not have you making a life with a poet, heaven forbid. Nor an eccentric."

"Am I to assume no man will be good enough for you?" I ask.

"If the only gentlemen present this evening are your brothers, then we're in a great deal of trouble, indeed," Val tells me.

"You continue to say 'we.'" I state.

I spot Daphne and Anthony taking a turnabout the room. I smile as Val and I make our way over to them.


She smiles widely. "Oh. Mercy. I feel as though I have not seen you in ages."

I chuckle. "It has only been two days, but two days to many indeed." I smile at Anthony. "Anthony."

Anthony smiles. "Mercy."

I can see Val eyeing Anthony. "Bridgerton."

Anthony laughs lightly. "Your Grace."

Benedict and Colin walk over towards us.

Benedict smiles at me. "Good evening, Mercy."

I smile widely. "Benedict." I smile at Colin. "Colin."

"Hello Mercy, Val," Colin greets. He turns to Daphne. "Did Mother tell you yet? About my tour? I'm to begin in Greece."

"Greece? How adventurous, Colin!" Daphne remarks.

"Marvelous, Colin. Absolutely wonderful," I tell him.

"I wish I could join you for my own grand tour," Val tells him.

"On guard!" Anthony warns.

Colin and Benedict try to move away as Lady Danbury approaches us.

"Too late. I already noted you," Lady Danbury tells them.

"Lady Danbury," Benedicts says.

"Good evening," Anthony greets.

Daphne and I curtsy as the boys bow.

"Miss Bridgerton, Lady Mercy you both look rather lovely this evening," Lady Danbury complement. I smile. "Miss Bridgerton is there a reason I've yet to see you on the dance floor?"

"All in good time, Lady Danbury," Anthony tells her.

"You poor thing," Lady Danbury says to Daphne before walking off.

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