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Dearest gentle reader, it is often said that those who marry in haste must repent at leisure, a sentiment that is clearly shared by Miss Daphne Bridgerton, who has apparently rejected not one, not two, but three proposals already this week. Some believe she is showing admirable forethought in her deliberations, but I would venture a different conjecture, that she, like this author, is still waiting on the only suitor of note.

I sit in the drawing room with Val. I cannot keep my mouth closed any longer.

"Are the rumors true?" I ask.

"What rumors?" Val questions

"A prince is coming to London," I state.

"Prince Friedrich of Prussia and Nephew to Queen Charlotte," Val tells me.

"You knew a Prince was coming to London and you did not think to tell me?" I question.

Val shrugs. "I thought Lady Danbury would tell you. Probably even introduce you."

"Lady Danbury knows?" I ask.

"The prince is Her Majesty's nephew and Lady Danbury is a close friend of the Queen," Val reminds me.

"Oh. That does make sense," I confess. "I suppose he will go for Daphne anyway."

"You think too little of yourself, Sister," Val tells me.

"Daphne is this season's Incomparable not me," I remind him.

"Yes, but that is not the only factor. Should you not desire a husband who values you for you?" Val asks.

I look at him surprised. "When did you get so wise?"

Val shrugs. "Sometimes I listen to you when you speak."

I shake my head as I smile. "I shall wear my most brilliant dress of all."

I head to the Bridgerton home to see Daphne. She is getting ready to meet with the duke.

"Daphne, I must ask why have you turned down all three proposals offered this week?" I question.

"I am waiting," Daphne tells me.

I laugh lightly. "For what? Or who?"

"For the right person," Daphne tells me.

"They were perfectly suitable, perfectly fine gentlemen," I insist.

"I do not desire fine or acceptable or suitable," Daphne tells me.

"I guess I cannot expect you to settle for fine," I confess. "I suppose you should desire exceptional or extraordinary."

"And I will not settle for less," Daphne tells me. "My mama gave me some advice. That one must simply marry the man who feels like their dearest friend."

"How very simple indeed," I remark.

Daphne laughs. "I said the same. But if it worked for my Mama and Papa then maybe there is something to her advice."

Tonight is another ball. One that Val once again has decided to not attend. I thought I might have some solace in his company this season, but he has been absent more often than not.

I stand not too far from Lady Danbury and Lady Bridgerton. I pretend as if I cannot hear their conversation, but secretly I am listening. They are focused on Daphne who is dancing with someone who is not the duke.

"Not much of a pair," Lady Bridgerton states.

"I should think not," Lady Danbury agrees. "She and the duke are a love match."

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