One [Wolf Moon]

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The black, shiny 67 Chevy Impala drove past the 'Welcome to Beacon Hills' sign. The three siblings in the car were talking and laughing at each other's jokes. The oldest noticed the sign they just passed frowned a little, suddenly getting quiet. The youngest, Y/N, noticed her brother's change of mood and sighed.

"Dean, we've talked about this. You don't want me near anything supernatural and you want to keep me safe. Staying with the Argent's is going to keep me safe. Bobby said they're good hunters, right? I'll be safe here." She put her hand on her brother's shoulder and looked at Sam, her other brother. He just raised his eyebrows at her and she giggled.

"I just don't think it's safe. The leviathans are everywhere, I don't think this little town is going to keep you safe. And now that Cas is... Now that Cas can't pop up and check on you when I want to.." Dean gestured for Sam to tell him where to drive next, as he wasn't familiar with the town and didn't know where exactly have the Argents moved, and then continued in his speech.

"It's just really hard for me to leave you somewhere with people I have never met. But I trust Bobby. So I guess I also have to trust them." He took the last turn and stopped in front of a family house.

"Ew.. Do other hunters also live like this?" Y/N looked at Sam and slowly got out of the car.

"Only the ones that are not planning on hunting anymore. Unless they protect their city." He answered and also got out of the car to help her and Dean to get her things inside the house.

"So the ones that protect the city live in motels as we do?" Y/N asked as she walked the few steps to the front door. Sam blinked and looked at his sister.

"No? I don't know, really the only hunter that we know that has a house is Bobby." Dean chuckled and rang the doorbell. The siblings were quiet, just waiting for someone to open the door. Footsteps could be heard inside before the door opened and revealed an older man. Not too old tho, just older than Dean, but still younger than Bobby. He looked down at all the bags at the siblings' feet before smiling.

"Hi, you must be the Winchesters. Bobby told me a lot about you guys. Why don't you come in?" He stepped aside to let the three of them in. As they all got inside the house, he closed the door and turned to them.

"I'm Chris Argent. Just call me Argent." He introduced himself and shook their hands.

"I'm Dean, this is my brother Sam and our little sister Y/N. She's the one that's gonna stay here." Dean introduced everyone and looked around.

"I'm sure Y/N and my daughter, Allison, are going to be good friends." Argent looked up the stairs before quietly whispering.

"Please don't mention anything about the supernatural to her. She is not ready yet." He smiled politely. The siblings exchanged looks before quietly nodding, agreeing not to tell anything.

"Okay, come on, I'll show you to your rooms." Argent gestured to the stairs.

"Our? Only Y/N's staying tho-" Sam got interrupted by Argent laughing.

"Yes, I am aware only Y/N is staying. But I'm sure the way from Sioux Falls was long. You guys have to be tired." He then went up the stairs waiting at the top for them to follow him. The siblings took all of Y/N's bags and followed him upstairs.


Y/N didn't actually meet Allison till the next morning. They met during breakfast when they all sat together, the Winchesters and the Argents. Allison's mom was scary. She was also the topic of the siblings' conversation when the brothers decided to take Y/N to school.

Teen Wolf [rewrite]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα